Ch. 46: Thanksgiving

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~{ No One's POV }~

     Sun and Wendy had gone out to the store to buy groceries. Moon and Eclipse stayed home to watch after Solice. Today is Thanksgiving, and they wanted to make it the best. It was Eclipse and Solice's first Thanksgiving, so it had to be special.

     The two at the store spent hours there. Foodwise, they bought turkey, ham, a few cans of green beans, mashed potatoes, cranberries, a can of black olives, two large bottles of soda, two large bottles of juice, and finally a pack of water bottles. Then, decoration-wise, they bought an atumun-leaf themed tablecloth, a few cinnamon scented candles, some fabric papers for activities, colored papers, a few cups, and a booster seat for the chairs for Solice. Sun personally bought Solice a small onesie of a cute turkey.

     Meanwhile, with Moon and Eclipse, they were trying to feed Solice for a snack before lunch. It was apple sauce for Solice. Moon brought the spoon of apple sauce to Solice's mouth but she smacked it away. Eclipse tried too but she wouldn't eat for them either. Moon attempted again. Which ended up in a fail. This time different though. Solice had flipped the spoon back, the apple sauce getting on Moon's face. Eclipse laughed and so did Solice. "Okay okay, it's not that funny-" Moon's face was red as well, in embarrassment. Eclipse grabbed a napkin and wiped most of the apple sauce off. But they licked the smaller remaining bits, which only got Moon's face deeper in the red color. Solice giggled and watched with a smile. "Now that you're cleaned off, I think it's time someone eats!" Eclipse exclaims as they pick up the spoon again. "Solice, will you please eat for your papa and dada?" They ask. Solice pretends to think before she slaps her hands on the table dramatically and shakes her head. Moon and Eclipse sigh. "Let's just try something else for her to eat," Moon suggests.

     Eclipse walked to the fridge and pulled the door from its previously closed state. They grab a cup of yogurt and walk back to Moon and Solice. They set the cup down and peal off the top. They grab the spoon used previously for apple sauce. "How about yogurt, Solice?" They ask. They bring the spoon to Solice's mouth. She takes the spoon and sucks the yogurt off. She seemed to like the yogurt much more than the apple sauce. Moon whispers a quiet 'yes!' in victory of him and Eclipse finally feeding Solice. If they hadn't, they would've had to get a biiiiggg lecture from Sun and Wendy about how they should be more responsible.

     The two boys finish feeding Solice, who is now happy and satisfied. Moon and Eclipse play Rock Paper Scissors to decide who will clean and who will take Solice. Moon wins by playing rock, meaning he gets to take the job of watching Solice. That leaves the orange and red bot to clean. So they both part to do their jobs. Moon takes Solice to the living room. He sets Solice on the couch and sits beside her. Solice plays around with Moon but mostly with the bell on his hat. On the other hand, Eclipse wiped off the small plastic table that Solice used with a disinfectant wipe. They put all the dishes in the sink and begin washing them one by one, sometimes washing multiple utensils at once.

     After 30 minutes, Sun and Wendy returned to the house. They brought in all the bags of stuff they had bought. Solice paused from watching Cocomelon on Moon's phone to turn her attention to Sun. She runs to him, softly stumbling or her steps going out of place a few steps. Sun giggles and picks her up. "Mama, mama!" Solice called out. Sun smiled and kissed her forehead. "Hi, Solice. Have you been good for Papa and Dada?" She was hesitant, before she nodded. "Hmmmm...Are you suuurrrree? You didn't seem entirely sure," Sun teases. Solice squeals and nods again. "Okay, but I'm gonna ask them too." Solice gasps and shakes her head. "Nuh uh!" She squeaks. "Oh? And why? Was it because you really were naughty?" He teases again. Solice giggles and shakes her head. "Then I'll just ask. Moony, Clipsy?" Moon chuckles. "She was good," Moon replies. Eclipse then speaks up, "Other than when she flicked apple sauce in Moon's face, yeah she was good!" Sun fakes a gasp. "Soolliicce!" He says her name in a joking scold. She squeals and giggles. Sun sighed. "Just don't do it again, okay?" She nods.

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