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this book contains; sexual assault (not between tk)
before u cancel me I'm a victim myself and ik what I'm writing if ur triggered by this don't read


A low, barely audible, whimper slipped out of rosy lips that had sprinkles stuck on their sides. Although the cupcake looked like a unicorn had took a shit all over it, it brought no joy to Taehyung.

His usually wide eyes frowned like a puppies and were teary, they stared at the man in front of him who had muscular arms flexing as they wiped a counter.

"Crying won't change it, tae," The man pushed him glasses and wiped sweat away fro, his forehead, he shot a grimacing look at the air conditioner that wasn't doing its job efficiently.

"I don't want to go," Taehyung cried out, choking on the sprinkles instantly causing him to drop the cupcake on the newly cleaned counter, "Help," he choked out and grabbed his neck dramatically.

"Good. Deserved. This is the tenth time today I cleaned this," Namjoon angrily slapped the wet wipe onto the counter and placed his hands on his hips, "Quit being dramatic, that won't change it either,"

"It's not fair Joonie, I didn't even get to enjoy my summer and now suddenly I'm an adult in university," Taehyung picked up the cupcake anyway and chewed on it with delight. His eyes went wide out of habit and a cute pout formed whilst chewing which Namjoon always found adorable.

"Just because you're 18 now and in university doesn't mean you're an adult with massive responsibilities. You were 17 like what? 8 months ago? How can you become an adult just like that? Your age doesn't decide it, your lifestyle and mentality does. You-"

"Blah blah," Taehyung mumbled under his breath and the sheepishly looked up at the older who let out a defeated sigh.

"You might never become an adult, I fear," Namjoon shook his head in disappointment and returned to wiping the mess the boy had just made, "This is a great chance for you to make more friends,"

"No thanks, I'm fine with just Hoseok being my best friend," Taehyung was quick to shut the idea down, "Friends isn't what I'm worried about it's," he paused of a second and hesitated. The reason created an unbearable wave of sad nostalgia whenever he thought of it since it was more a memory rather than a reason, and it hurt so much to think of letting go.

"You're gonna miss it because you have so many memories here?" Namjoon spoke as if he could read Taehyung's mind, the boy nodded with an emotionless face that masked tears, "You can make new ones there,"

"I know but, I'm just gonna miss it all so much. Every song I listened to here is just gonna remind me of how I went to that school for 7 years, how my mum bothered me every morning, the stuff I did here, all the crushes I had and just- I don't want to let it go," There was a heavy feeling in his chest.

Nostalgia always made him want to sob uncontrollably, but then it comforted him in a odd way — it was nice knowing he had memories that made him happy. Even if the happy made him sad when thinking about it.

"Listen to those songs at the start, let new memories merge with old ones, then 3 years later you'll be sitting in front of me again back here listening to those songs wishing you never came back," Namjoon's way of words always warmed Taehyung's heart, that was something he'd miss too.

"Thank the Lord it's only 3 years," Taehyung laughed and decided to lighten up the mood, he didn't want spend his last few days dwelling on something, "I can't believe I'm sharing a house with some rando, I tried to talk my mum out of it but she insisted saying it'll help me make friends,"

"That's pretty insane, she buys a whole house and puts it up for rent to take money from two teenagers? Your mums fucking loaded why does she need more money," Namjoon stopped what he was doing and stared at Taehyung as if he was the woman robbing money off of kids.

Taehyung raised his hands in defence, "Not my idea, and I mean shit I spent all these years working here to make sure I can have fun in uni, so if she ever asks me to pay more I'm fucking sorted!"

"Wait what? You don't have to pay much ?"

"Yeah, half price though since I'm her son. Do I know if that's possible? Nope. Do I care? Nope. As long as I can spend money on food, I'm happy," Taehyung didn't mean to flex, but he just couldn't be happier. Food was his safe place, even if it was unicorn shit cupcakes that make him choke.

"Good for you, son," Then elder chuckled and shook his head.

"I'm just mad about having a room- no, correction house mate. I mean I can't complain because I have everything else, but God, what if he's a creep?" Taehyung shuddered at the scenarios that formed in his head, "My mum said he's 19. Not any better, I hate 19 year old boys they're so fucking deranged,"

"You're judging the kid before you've even seen him! Maybe he'll be significant in your life?"

"Doubt it, I hate talking to new people," Taehyung huffed and let his chin rest against the pal of his hand, doe eyes staring out of the window that showed the sun blaring down at the ground, "I'm gonna miss it here,"

Namjoon sighed, "You'll be fine tae, now go and run home. Spend some last hours with your snobby rich mum,"

Taehyung laughed at that and hopped off of the stools behind the counter. He waved at the man whilst making his way towards the exit of the shop,

"Bye Joonie! See you in 2025!"

I feel like this book is gonna be personal Cus the starting chap was way too relatable it felt like I was journaling my feelings about starting uni 😭 always tried to write a book based on life experiences but failed

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