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"I am going to kill him when I get inside, how can he lock me out like that? He was home whilst I was out there in that thunderstorm! I'm fucking terrified of thunderstorms!" Taehyung rambled to Hoseok, the two were currently at Hoseok's place since Taehyung had been forcefully kicked out.

"Well, he doesn't know that you're scared of thunderstorms," Hoseok didn't mean to sound like he was defending someone Taehyung hated, so he quickly changed his response, "But still! He was probably in their balls deep in a girl- that's so wrong and disgusting!"

"Exactly!" Taehyung groaned and invited himself into Hoseok's arms who silently laughed at his dramatic behaviour, "What do I do? I just wanted to leave peacefully with a nice roommate, why the hell did I have to get such a weird guy?" He whined.

"Let's just go back, I'll help you talk to him," Hoseok urged the boy and offered to help since he knew that Taehyung struggled with confronting people.

The younger just nodded with a pout and began to head out the door. This time, the weather was sunny as if there was no storm the previous night. Leaves were scattered on the pavements prettily and the air felt crisp.

It smelt like autumn, that made Taehyung feel a lot better.

"When we get there, you will tell him how it's wrong that he locked you out. Then, if he says anything I'll jump in," Hoseok instructed the boy who slowly nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'm ready," Taehyung confidently spoked and knocked on the door again, crossing his arms he waited for the door to open.

Thankfully, this time it did. A shirtless Jeongguk with one of Taehyung's snacks in his mouth opened the door. A smirk instantly lifted on his face and he leaned on the doorframe with one arm resting at the top.

"Where did you go yesterday? I was about to open the door," Jeongguk asked the boy with a teasing tone which angered Taehyung even more.

"Where we're you I almost knocked that door down and you didn't answer once," Taehyung pushed past the boy who glared at him for pushing him.

"I was having sex," Jeongguk honestly replied and gave Hoseok a nod as a greeting, "I would've opened the door if you had waited 10 more minutes,"

"Are you insane?! I live here too! I should be allowed to enter whenever I want!" Taehyung yelled, face going red from the force.

Hoseok wasn't used to seeing the boy so mad, so he stepped in by pushing the two apart, "Why don't we approach this in a calm manner?"

"Why? Just get over it, talking about it isn't gonna change the fact it happened," Jeongguk scoffed and threw the toffee popcorn into his mouth, "Just get used to our differences,"

"Why should I get used to it? You should learn to respect the other people living with you," Taehyung pointed at Jeongguk only to have his hand pushed down by Hoseok.

"I'm sure you two have a lot in common, you guys just need to talk to each other more," Hoseok smiled and clapped his hands together, "Like...what's your favourite food?"

"Ramen," Jeongguk replied.

"Pork belly steamed buns," Taehyung spoke at the same time.

The different answers made Hoseok frown, "Favourite colour?"

"Black." Jeongguk said.


"See, I'm nothing like this sad little boring loser," Jeongguk scoffed at the boy who got ready to retort.

"What about your favourite artist or artists?"

"Deftones," Jeongguk answered and Taehyung did too at the same time.

"Lana del Rey."

"Come on think of something similar," Hoseok urged the two.

"We both like girls?" Jeongguk sounded confused as he suspected that Taehyung was gay.

"I like men." Taehyung stated making Jeongguk gasp and then laugh, "What? Got a problem?"

"Nah, I have nothing against gay people I get flattered when they say they'd smash me," Jeongguk stepped closer to Taehyung, "Do you have a crush on me?"

"You wish, I'd never go for a jerk like you," Taehyung spat at the boy. Hoseok ended up separating them again and stepped between them.

"Well, maybe you two can learn to like the same things if you spend more time together," Hoseok suggested to the two who just scoffed at the idea. The boy felt hopeless and ran out of ways to convince the two to like each other, "Favourite movie genre?"

"Action," Jeongguk yawned getting tired of the elders questions.

"Horror," Taehyung replied and rolled his eyes, "I'm not interested in learning about what he likes, what I want is for him to start acting like he isn't the only person that owns this house,"

"Well, think about it, yesterday would you rather have been in the house whilst I made the girl moan at the top of her lungs or outside?" Jeongguk asked the boy who went silent, "Exactly, quit being dramatic,"

"How about I lock you out of the house whilst I go fuck some guy?"

"You look like you'd start crying if a man even said hello to you," Jeongguk gave him a judgmental look, "Keep crying, I'm gonna go upstairs and probably masturbate or something,"

"Gross," Hoseok's features scrunched up in disgust and the two watched him leave, "Wow, he really is something."

"I know, I don't know what to do, I can't live with him for the next 3 years like that," Taehyung stressfully ran his fingers through his honey hair, "I can't move out either, all the places are full and my mum wants me to make new friends,"

"Why don't you come up with some rules together?" Hoseok suggested to the boy who was immediately fond of the idea.

The idea was stuck in his head for the whole two hours the two hung out with each other for, every minute he was coming up with potential rules.

When Hoseok left, Taehyung rushed up to his room and began to write them down on a piece of paper from his notebook.

1. No partying and sex when one of us is home (you can't lock each other out either)
2. No stealing snacks
3. No arguing or yelling at each other
4. Respect each other's boundaries

Taehyung stared at the four rules with a satisfied look, he had more but he didn't want to be super controlling so he decided to stick to four. However, he still felt a little bad so he drew a heart and smiley face to make it sound nicer.

Do I have stickers? It would be so nice on the fridge with stickers. Taehyung rummaged through his drawers to find some decorations, but he couldn't find anything. So, he decided to just draw some more doodles until it looked pretty enough.

Then he made his way downstairs where Jeongguk was now once again searching the fridge for food which was a struggle since neither of them had done grocery shopping together.

I'll ask him to come with me tomorrow or some shit, I have no idea what to buy. Jeongguk stood up straight and shut the door, jumping when Taehyung silently came into view and took out a fridge magnet from one of the kitchen drawers.

He then stuck the piece of paper on the fridge, leaving without uttering a word to the confused Jeongguk.

"Rules?" Jeongguk raised his eyebrows and he stared at them with a puzzled expression.

He completely ignored the rules and instead stared at all the doodles around then, smiling at how Taehyung had took the time to make the paper look pretty.

How cute.

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