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"Make sure to eat properly, don't focus on messing around and focus on your exams. I'll send you money alright? So don't waste valuable study time. And most importantly, no sleeping around," A woman with nails painted deep red sternly saved her finger in the air. One arm steered the car wheel whilst the other kept moving in a bothersome way.

Taehyung judgementally watched her move the rear view mirror and chew obnoxiously loud on her gum whilst fixing her messy red lipstick. She fiddled with her perm for a few seconds before blindly adjusting it again and actually focusing on the road.

Make sure I get to university first fucking h- Taehyung let out a scream, jolting forward when the woman suddenly swerved on the road causing the tires to screech.

"Son of a bitch!" She shrieked, her scratchy voice being more frightening than whatever just happened.

"Mum!" Taehyung whined watching the woman angrily push her door open, stretching out her exposed legs and slamming her red heel onto the ground.

The boy covered his face out of embarrassment and sighed, there was no way they'd get to university at this rate.

It had been over ten minutes which made him turn his sore neck behind him to see what the woman was doing. A scowl left him when he saw her waving her finger again at the poor frightened driver behind them who was profusely apologising.

"Thank fuck I'm moving, on second thought," The brunette mumbled to himself. His head snapped away when his mother furiously stomped back towards the car, already ranting before even stepping into car against

"...that's what I told him! God, who is letting all these men drive? Everyday they become hazardous in some type of way it's insane!" She huffed and puffed, permed hair shaky along with her head.

"Uh huh," Taehyung rolled his eyes and let the other ramble on. It was best to let her go on, cutting her off would just make her extend her list on why she despised men.

As much as he found his mother incredibly jarring, at times he genuinely resonated with her. Like that time his first crush rejected him and she went on a rampage about how the blind population is inaccurate when men exist.

Of course, that was only the case if it benefited him. In other situations he'd roll his eyes and block off her speeches.

It was something he'd miss though. As annoying as it was, it was something he was used to dealing with and it would be weird not having her screaming in his ear about something.

The thought of not seeing her for a long time made his eyes fill with unleashed tears and frantically move around to stop them from spilling out. A suffocated breath escaped his mouth when they read the leaving sign for his town indicating that this was it.

This was his last day at his childhood town.

Ms. Kim glanced at the boy and extended her arm, making strange noises when the pinched and squished the boys face, "My little baby's all grown up,"

"Mum, stop," Taehyung sadly laughed and pushed her soft hands away. They dropped onto his lap instead and rubbed his thigh reassuringly.

"You'll like it. My university years were my prime years, I was making friends and partying- I still got a degree and passed with great marks! Just balance and don't stress, have fun with your friends,"

Taehyung liked her advice, if he was actually outgoing and positive like her. He hated the idea of going out with a lot of friends and partying. Studying alone and having one friend was enough fun, even if at times studying left him stressed and alone. He deemed it better than having to deal with the consequences of getting blackout drunk during the weekends.

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