twenty three.

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Taehyung let out a sigh and dropped his backpack onto his old bed, he took a moment to look around his old room that gave him a sad feeling of nostalgia. It was strange having the house to himself, but he didn't care as long as he was away from Jeongguk.

Taehyung believed that he was overreacting a little too much, however his guilty pleasure was riding out the sadness he felt.

He would allow himself to overthink every little thing, let the sadness swallow him to the point he couldn't even remember why he was so upset in the first place.

His thoughts would eventually move onto everything else that went wrong in his life, the original cause of his sadness would be long forgotten by the time he was done reminiscing.

I should go see Namjoon hyung, he's probably leaving to see his boyfriend. Taehyung glanced at the time to see that it was 9 PM, he knew that the man's shop was open for another hour.

Taehyung grabbed his keys and his phone whicu had a notification he had never seen before and didn't want to see.

2 missed calls from Jeongguk.

Jeongguk chewed on his bottom lip as he sat in his room. The house felt awfully quiet without Taehyung being their to yell at him for doing something stupid. It was also still a complete mess as he had spent most of his day replaying scenes from a few hours ago.

I can't believe I made him cry. Jeongguk gripped onto his phone tightly with one hand and used the other to rub his aching forehead. Did he even get home safe?

Jeongguk desperately wanted the boy back home already, he wanted to beg for forgiveness and do whatever it takes to show that he cares. He had planned it all out in his head and had played it out until perfection.

I wonder what he's doing, I hope he's not too upset. Jeongguk sighed and fell back onto his bed.

"How was the first 2 months of uni?" Namjoon asked the boy who was sat up on the counter and swinging his legs, an ice cream in one hand and his phone in the other, "I love your new hair."

"Thank you," Taehyung shyly answered, "Uni is okay, nothing special I just go there and learn." He shrugged.

"Do you do anything fun?"

"Me and Hoseok go out drinking sometimes and he usually drags me into his activities," Taehyung smiled, "How's it with your boyfriend?"

"We actually argued last night and he's been ignoring me all day, so I'm probably gonna spend the entire week trying to get him to forgive me," Namjoon laughed as he took out some snacks from below the counter and passed it to Taehyung.

"Why? Over what?"

"It was a stupid misunderstanding, he asked me to do something but I completely fucked it up and now he's mad." Namjoon playfully rolled his eyes at the memory, "Oh yeah, how's it with the guy you're living with? Is he nice?"

Taehyung felt his mood crash at the mention of Jeongguk, "We actually got into an argument too before I left."

"Oh? Why?"

"He threw a party last night and his friends started forcing me to get drunk after I said no- like they were literally forcing the alcohol down my throat. Two of his friends kept giving me creepy looks too and he said I should stop being such a pussy." Taehyung paused as he felt anger grow inside of him again.

"And then? Did you call him out?"

"I did the same night, but he called me a sensitive annoying bitch and to stop being dramatic," Taehyung clutched onto his thighs tightly and stared down, "I ended up having a panic attack and I don't know if I was being dramatic or not."

"I don't think you were, he fucked up and needed to be called out on it. Has he apologised?"

"He tried to but I was too angry to even look at him so I left," Taehyung's eyes shifted up onto Namjoon who hummed to show he was listening, "I keep thinking I'm being dramatic."

"You're not, you know that you can't handle situations where you're drunk in front of people you don't know because of what happened with your ex. Why would you be calm in a moment like that?" Namjoon placed a hand on Taehyung's back reassuringly, "I'm surprised you didn't do more, aren't you getting therapy for your anger issues?"

"I don't have anger issues in a punching walls type of way, I have it where I'll go on hunger strikes and have suicidal meltdowns and start isolating type of way," Taehyung sadly laughed, "I don't know what to do."

"Well, obviously don't do what you just said for a start, and maybe talk to him tomorrow and let him apologise. Don't keep thinking you're dramatic either, it's perfectly normal to react like that because of you know."

Taehyung nodded, even though he knew that unless he had a good distraction.

Do I even forgive him? He definitely meant those words.

Short chap cus they aren't together 😝 I'm gonna get drunk now to celebrate my uni acceptance so if I'm not too drunk I'll double update

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