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"No, I didn't stay up because I was stressed- it's because my roommate was blasting music all damn night!" Taehyung whispered into the phone harshly. It was 8 am, bright rays pierced through silk curtains and onto the boys bare feet, "I am nervous though,"

"Oh come on, it's good he wants you to walk to school with him! You're making a new friend," His mother excitedly cheered on the other end of his phone causing the boy to wince and pull it away from his ear.

"He seems like a dickhead, I don't want to be friends with him," Taehyung scoffed and held his phone between his ear and shoulder in order to slip his socks on. He raised his eyebrows at the two different colours, "Did you pack my socks properly?"

"Huh? Of course I did," The woman replied confused on the other end, "Don't be so rude, you need to be more open to people,"

"I'm gonna go now," Taehyung let out a sigh and stood up. He pressed on the big red button on his phone screen before slipping the device back to his pocket. The last thing he had to do was pack his backpack for the third time to make sure that everything he needed was there.

Jeongguk leaned against the wall that separated their rooms. His leather jacket made an uncomfortable feeling as he crossed his arms and kept fidgeting around out of annoyance.

The door slowly opened revealing Taehyung wearing a causal yet formal outfit, a backpack around his shoulder and phone in his hand. Jeongguk had to admit, he looked cute, but he was far too annoyed from the conversation he head overheard.

"Don't worry, I'm not tryna be friends with you either I'm just using you, like you told your mother on the phone," Jeongguk spat at the boy. A smirk lifted on his face when he saw embarrassment paint Taehyung's face and how he went silent. That's what I thought.

Taehyung hated the smug face Jeongguk had plastered on. It triggered a feeling he rarely felt in and the urge to slap it off grew. Usually, he'd keep quiet and let his embarrassment handle whatever action he did. But, this was different since what was meant to be the perfect first day of university was being ruined by a handsome cocky male.

It's a new start, I need to make a statement and show him what he'll be dealing with if he keeps acting out. Taehyung told himself only to keep quiet and watch Jeongguk scoff and walk towards the stairs.

"Come on then, we're gonna be late,"

"You're fucking dense if you think I'm gonna walk with you to class after being a cunt," Taehyung managed to say confidently which made him mentally cheer.

Jeongguk turned his head towards him with an amused face, "What's two plus two again? Shut the fuck up and let's go,"

Now, Taehyung didn't have a choice and reluctantly began to followed him. He could argue with Jeongguk which is what he wanted to do, but he had a class to attend and he didn't have time to be arguing with a jerk.

"Instead of worrying about being a loner why don't you worry about your bitchy personality," Taehyung spoke once they were downstairs.

Jeongguk just grinned, "The girls love it,"

"I see why, there's not much else to love," Taehyung glared at the boy who just burst into laughter whilst helping himself to Taehyung's snacks.

"Wow, you're feisty, I thought you'd be more quiet," Jeongguk took a bite out of his food and tossed the rest at Taehyung who caught the crisp packet, "You don't sound like you pull any bitches,"

Yeah because I'm gay. Taehyung rolled his eyes and threw the packet of crisps onto the counter, "It's hard when I have to deal with you so early in the morning,"

"Aw, we've only known each other for a day and we're already hating each other," Jeongguk walked over to the boy and roughly wrapped an arm around him, "Well, lucky you I forgive easily so I'll let your attitude slide, we can be good friends and I'll help you get a girlfriend,"

"I don't want a girlfriend," Taehyung stumbled as Jeongguk dragged him out of the house. He managed to grab his copy of keys before they completely locked the door.

"Chill, it's only the first year you don't need to focus on just grades yet," Jeongguk removed his arm from him and let out a loud sigh, "You smell that? It's the smell of freedom, I can fuck as much as I want and do what I want,"

"Why are you so obsessed with having sex?" Taehyung gave him a disgusted look and asked quietly so that strangers walking by wouldn't hear their strange conversation.

"Are you a virgin or something?" Jeongguk side eyed him, smirking when he saw the slight surprise and shyness on the boys face. So he's the pure kind? 

"I'm not, I just don't have a strange addiction to it, I don't know what kind of upbringing you've had but sex is not that deep to be obsessed about," Taehyung began to walk faster to keep a distance between them, but Jeongguk would spend up too.

"You just haven't had any good s-"

"Can we stop talking about this in public?! It's embarrassing," Taehyung harshly whispered at the boy who snorted.

"Fine, what do you want to talk about instead? Class? Studying? How you're excited about university?" Jeongguk asked him with a judgmental tone, kicking rocks on the pavement with a bored expression.

"No," Taehyung lied and cleared his throat, "What kind of music do you like?" He mentally winced at the question, it was generic and would lead to the most painfully awkward conversations. But, he wanted to talk about something that wouldn't result in Jeongguk saying something strange.

"I thought it kept you up all night? Have you not figured it out yet?" Jeongguk teased the boy who avoided his, "I like nu metal,"

"Nice," Taehyung didn't know what to say next nor did he feel like saying anything next. He just wanted to hurry and get to his first class where he'd finally meet Hoseok and have a conversation that's worth hearing.

And I can tell him about how much of a cunt Jeon is.

Short chap cus I'm tired but I haven't updated in ages 👎

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