thirty one.

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Jeongguk excitedly paced around the kitchen with one of Taehyung's snacks in his mouth. His eyes would dart towards the staircase every time he heard Taehyung shut a door.

Alas, Taehyung began to make his way downstairs wearing something short just like Jeongguk had requested.

"It's too cold to be wearing this outside, where are we going?" Taehyung shuddered as he walked towards Jeongguk who did not hesitate to stare down at the boys bare thighs.

"We're going to a water park as a date." Jeongguk leaned against the counter with one arm and watched Taehyung walk past to him to get some water.

"Why the fuck are we going to a water park in this weather?" Taehyung frowned and walked past the boy again.

"Because I wanna show how wet you make me, baby boy," Jeongguk swung his arm with a certain amount force, hand slapping against Taehyung's ass and producing an embarrassingly loud sound.

"Jeongguk what the fuck?!" Taehyung gasped and glared at the boy who burst into laughter, "Do you really think I'd date a guy who does that?!"

"I hope I changed your mind," Jeongguk winked and placed an arm around his neck. Before he could continue teasing, knocking came from their door which made him groan, "Who dare block our fun?" He mumbled in a funny tone.

Taehyung followed him to the door and slightly hid behind him as he expected it to be Jeongguk's friends.

What he did not expect to see was a woman who had Jeongguk's eyes and smile, staring at them with a bag around her, "Hello!"

"Mum what the fuck are you doing here?" Jeongguk groaned.

His mother?! Taehyung's eyes widened and he quickly stepped forward to greet the woman.

"Hi Mrs. Jeon," Taehyung greeted the woman with an endearing smile, "Let me-"

"Right I found a parking spot," A man who had Jeongguk's jaw and nose stepped forward with his hands on his hips, "Hello son."

"I don't remember that there was supposed to be some sort of reunion today." Jeongguk frowned at the two who tutted at their son's behaviour.

"Come in," Taehyung smiled and stepped out of the way for the two.

"Wow, this is a really cozy home." Mrs. Jeon gasped as she stepped inside and did a small twirl to get every detail of it.

Mr. Jeon smiled at Taehyung who awkwardly did the same, "Sorry for arriving on short notice son, Jeongguk doesn't know how to use a phone."

Taehyung grinned and glanced at Jeongguk who rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "Why don't you sit down? I'll get you something to drink." He politely offered.

"Thank you," Mrs. Jeon patted the boy as he moved past them. She took a seat on the couch beside her husband while Jeongguk slouched on a small one to their left.

"So Jeon, who cleans the house?" Mr. Jeon asked the sulking brunette who was playing with his rings.


"Shocker." They said in unison.

Jeongguk frowned, "The fucks that supposed to mean?"

"What about the shopping? Who go all of these snacks?" Mrs. Jeon pointed at the white bag of snacks on the table which Jeongguk had been eating.


"Shocker." The couple raised their eyebrows in surprise.

"Why do you keep-"

"Here's some water," Taehyung smiled and placed the cups down in front of the two who thanked him. He noticed that there wasn't a place for him to sit so he awkwardly stood beside Jeongguk.

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