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Taehyung peacefully shuffled on his bed, duvet caught between his legs and arms like a body pillow. A smile was on face from a pleasant dream and the light of the morning sun laid upon him like an extra layer.

In contrast stood the embodiment of the devil, arms crossed and a scowl on his face whilst watching Taehyung sleep with a pretty face.

Sleeping like he didn't ruin my afternoon yesterday. Jeongguk let out a scoff and pinched the bridge of his nose as he thought of a suitable way to wake up Taehyung.

"Taehyung there's an emergency!" Jeongguk screamed causing the boy to scream too and sit up with his arms hugging himself in comfort.

"Why?! Who?!" Taehyung yelled and blinked hard as his mind adjusted to the situation. To his dismay, Jeongguk stood in front of him cackling, "You fucking jerk! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He groaned.

"Get dressed, we're going grocery shopping," Jeongguk kicked Taehyung's bed lightly and let the younger whine against the bed covers.

"Just do your part yourself, I'll do mine later," Taehyung huffed, pulling the covers back over himself to sleep.

Jeongguk sat down on the bed and yanked them off, "Nah, we should go together as a roommate bonding thing." He smirked and stared at Taehyung who sat up confused.

"What? Why?" Taehyung blinked at the boy who grinned and leaned closer.

"So I can fuck you ne-"

Jeongguk was cut off by a pillow being forced against his face, suffocating him almost entirely until Taehyung got out of bed.

"Fuck you and your sex addiction," Taehyung muttered as he lazily stumbled over to his closet and then to the bathroom.

Jeongguk just laughed on the bed, falling back out of pure boredom, "If you don't hurry up I'll have a wank on your bed!" He yelled loud enough to cause Taehyung to turn the tap on full blast.

After a few minutes of scrolling through his phone, Taehyung finally stepped back into the room in a new outfit and an angry face. That made Jeongguk feel satisfied knowing that he had that affect on him.

"Let's go," Taehyung instructed the boy who stood up. Taehyung frowned when he heard a loud moan come from behind him as Jeongguk stretched his limbs dramatically.

"How are we carrying it home by the way? Neither of us drive," Jeongguk placed an arm around Taehyung when they stepped outside of the house. The two keys beside the door jingled from the force of Jeongguk shutting the door, attempting to call out for them.

Taehyung brushed his arm off and scoffed, "You have muscles, show them off or something,"

"Why? Do you like to see that?" Jeongguk lifted his arm and flexed his muscles in time with a few girls walking past. A smirk grew on his face when he heard squeals and gasps, it only grew harder when he saw the annoyed look on Taehyung's face, "Are we taking the bus?"

"No, the shops just down the road it'll take us ten minutes to walk," Taehyung replied and began to walk a little quicker, unfortunately Jeongguk only did the same.

"What are you going to buy? What's your favourite food?" Jeongguk attempted to start up a convo with Taehyung, but the boy just shrugged and kept a blank expression, "You keep calling me a jerk but when I'm trying to be nice and keep a conversation going you start being rude! I haven't even done anything,"

"You locked-"

"I locked you out accidentally, so what? There's people dying, Kim," Jeongguk tutted and put his arm around Taehyung's shoulder again, "Listen Kim, you need to be more open and talkative. Sitting all quiet and being hostile won't get you far in life,"

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