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Jeongguk stared at his ceiling with a wide open jaw, fingers pressed against his lips in pure shock. He had his knees against his chest and one arm wrapped around them for support.

I'm gay? Jeongguk thought to himself. I mean I've never had a good girlfriend but I just thought that was because I don't like the idea of dating? Not cus I wanted date men this whole time?

Jeongguk turned to the door with his jaw still wide open and fingers against his lip. Would I date him? I mean yeah, but I don't wanna date anyone else.

Jeongguk blinked slowly. So what does that mean? Am I gay? Bi? Taesexual?

The boys room door suddenly opened to reveal Taehyung stepping in ready to say something, but stopping due to the expression Jeongguk had.

"Um, are you okay?" Taehyung raised his eyebrows at Jeongguk who just let out a strange strangled noise, "I was just gonna ask if you're going to class? I'm gonna leave now so..."

Jeongguk sucked in a heavy breath before talking, "I'm tired."

"Okay, uh, I'm gonna go now then. Get well soon," Taehyung nodded, "Can you...clean my room while I'm gone? Since you know, you said you'd do anything I say."

"Uh huh." Jeongguk breathed out watching Taehyung leave.

Why the hell didn't he say anything else about the kiss?! Jeongguk kicked his legs and loudly groaned, not caring that Taehyung might've heard him before he left.

He kicked off the covers and stormed over to Taehyung's room, grabbing the messy duvet on his bed the second he neared it.

Does he think he's some player? He can just kiss me and act all nonchalant? That's my fucking role! Jeongguk groaned again and aggressively tucked in the boys bed sheets.

Whatever, I don't care, I don't like him, it's my first time kissing a guy of course I'm gonna freak out. Jeongguk then picked up all the books on the boys pillow, chucking them onto the desk on top of each other and then lined them up.

Does he even care?!

"Taehyung!" Hoseok waved at the boy at the university entrance, smiling when Taehyung took out his headphones and approached him, "I'm so sad that we can't sit together in the morning today."

"I know, I'm sorry I was late I was waiting for Jeongguk but he's not coming in today and didn't even tell me," Taehyung bit his bottom lip and cleared his throat.

"Why not? Does he not care about his girlfriends?" Hoseok joked, looking down at Taehyung who seemed tense.

"He said he's tired, but I think it's because of what happened yesterday," Taehyung glanced up at Hoseok who stared down at him curiously, "I kissed him." He whispered.

Hoseok stopped in the hallway which thankfully wasn't busy and let his jaw drop, "What?!"

"Be quiet," Taehyung whispered, feeling embarrassed already that people were looking at them, "I just got really worked up because my mum kept saying I should kiss and date him and then you started saying I should kiss him and then he said it- I got so angry I just did it without thinking."

Hoseok let out a laugh, "Well how was it? What did he say?"

"I don't know- I was freaking out a lot before I slept and I was terrified of seeing him this morning but he seemed normal- well not normal because he kept making weird noises and looked like he was eating his own hand," Taehyung frowned at the image of Jeongguk early in the morning.

Hoseok frowned too, "Why is he so fucking weird?"

"I don't know," Taehyung mumbled, "I wonder what he's doing right now, I asked him to clean my room but I don't think he cares about the bet."

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