thirty nine.

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Taehyung woke up to Jeongguk gingerly touching his face and sighing in relief when he felt that the boy didn't have a temperature.

"Wake up, do you wanna go out and eat? I'll take you out for a big meal like I did last time." Jeongguk offered knowing that Taehyung wouldn't resist a meal after a long stressful day.

"Okay." Taehyung agreed as expected and slowly sat up, ignoring the pounding headache that had formed, "We can leave after I shower."


The two were seated back in McDonald's again, reminding them of the one make out session they had in the locker room after their first big argument.

This time though, it would take more than a mark out session and meal to get over the lingering tension between them.

Jeongguk stared at Taehyung who quietly munched on his fries and stared out of the window. Jeongguk smiled at how Taehyung's ears began to turn red when he noticed that Jeongguk staring at him.

They ate quietly, neither of them having anything to say as the only left was emotions rather than thoughts. But, Jeongguk didn't want to waste the precious time he had managed to earn with Taehyung.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked the boy who slowly nodded.

"Did you?"

"Yeah." Jeongguk lied knowing that he stayed up all night worrying about Taehyung and seeping how much he liked Taehyung.

"That's good." Taehyung quietly replied and rubbed his fingers together to sprinkle the salt off, "We should probably get back soon, so you can sleep."

Jeongguk's heart began to race at that, "Okay." He replied. He couldn't believe that Taehyung was able to tell that he hadn't slept.

Once the two had finished eating, they decided to walk back together. It wasn't as peaceful as Jeongguk hoped it would be as he had burning questions he wanted to ask Taehyung.

Is he still gonna move out? Is he still mad at me? Is he still upset?

Jeongguk managed to keep it inside until they walked home. He assumed that the answer yes to all of them which made him feel horrible inside.

He sucked in a deep breath when they arrived meaning their time together was over and Taehyung was most likely going to lock himself in his room again.

Jeongguk couldn't stop thinking about what Taehyung had said last night and how badly he had broken down because of him. I don't deserve him, I should stop bothering him.

Taehyung noticed Jeongguk's teary eyes which disappeared the second Jeongguk blinked and began to walk upstairs first. He silently followed and ignored the need for Jeongguk to turn around and just say sorry again and to kiss him so that everything would go back to how it was.

But, instead Jeongguk turned around with a heavy sigh.

"Tae, I'm really sorry for standing you up and being so stupid all the time." Jeongguk started off with a heavy voice, clogged due to the cries forming in his throat, "I still really like you. In fact, I might just be in love with you. But I hate seeing how bad you're becoming because of me, I promised that I won't ever make you this upset again but I know you'd still be scared which I understand. I don't want to make you anymore upset so I'll leave you alone now."

Taehyung was taken aback by the sudden switch up, and he didn't like it. He didn't want Jeongguk to leave him alone.

"I'll still wish for us to get together, but I'm not gonna waste your time again and ruin your day by constantly begging you. I'll leave you alone, and I'll really miss living with you when move out." Jeongguk swallowed down his emotions and waited for Taehyung to say something.

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