twenty seven.

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Taehyung crouched as he watched Hoseok do a trick with his skateboard that crashed into in the drinks perfectly enough to slice the bottles in half.

"Gross, you're getting it all over me." Taehyung stood up and replayed the video he took of Hoseok and showed it to the boy, "Is it good?"

"Yeah shit, I look so cool!" Hoseok cheered, "Do you wanna have a go now?"

"I don't know how," Taehyung placed his phone back in his pocket and placed his foot on top of l Hoseok's skateboard, "I'm gonna fall!"

"You won't! Just stop leaning back," Hoseok advised the boy who screeched did exactly that causing him to fall back. Luckily, Hoseok caught him and held him up, "Dumbass."

"You're acting like this is something you can learn in a day," Taehyung glared at him and held onto his hand, "What if everyone here sees me fall? It's gonna be so embarrassing!"

"There's literally only two other people out here, everyone's left." Hoseok held onto Taehyung tight and helped gain his balance on the board, "It's all about coordination Taehyung, you can't push your leg back but then lean back!"

"If I lean forward I'll fall forward!"

"Okay wait get off, I need to take a break we've been skating for 3 hours now." Hoseok kicked his board up and grabbed it before leading them both to a bench.

"My storage is probably full from all the videos I took," Taehyung sighed and sat down beside Hoseok who took out a cigarette pack, "I keep forgetting you smoke, you look like you call cigarettes cancer sticks."

"You look like you do smoke with this edgy outfit," Hoseok pointed out and placed a cigarette between his mouth and lit it up, "I miss when you used to smoke with me."

"I would now, but I just get really bad flashbacks every time I do," Taehyung sighed and leaned against the bench back.

Hoseok hummed in understanding and stared ahead with tired sharp eyes, "So, how's it with Jeongguk?"

"Well, we made out yesterday-"


"Shh!" Taehyung hushed the loud boy, "Yeah- it was an in the moment thing, I don't like home like that. He's just nice to make out with."

"Are you a player or what? Why don't you wanna date him? I mean yeah he's a jerk, but if it's gotten to the point of making out I'm sure it'll lead to more." Hoseok turned to the boy who shrugged.

"He's good looking and stuff, and sometimes he can be nice and makes me happy but...I don't think he'd want a serious relationship like I do. I feel like he just wants to get into my pants and then he's gonna break up with me after 3 months."

"Yeah true, he does seem like the type to do that." Hoseok admitted and tapped his cigarette, "Are you tired? You haven't been sleeping well lately."

"Not really." Taehyung answered as he stared up at the starry sky and a shuddered a little when the wind hit his bare arms, "I'm cold though, I think I might go back in a second."

"How long have you been on antidepressants for?"

"I think...4 months now? I started before we started uni. Why?" Taehyung asked the boy who hummed.

"Because it's worrying to see how much weight you've lost in a week and how your eyes are really sunken. Are you even taking them regularly?"

Taehyung looked down, "Not really, I've been too caught up with things to take them."

"You should started taking them properly before I burst into your room every night and remind you." Hoseok dropped the cigarette onto the floor and put it out using his foot, "One more training session?"

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