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Taehyung groaned as he rested his head on the café table, listening to Hoseok's TikTok's which were fuelling his headache even more.

"Turn off your TikTok's, you're giving me a headache." Taehyung rubbed his temples and slowly sat up, droopy eyes staring at Hoseok who was chewing on a wrap.

"Thought you'd be used to it since you walk to class with Jeongguk every morning."

"He actually didn't walk with me today, he wouldn't wake up so I just left," Taehyung replied and glanced at the time on his phone, "Can the bus hurry up? I hate waiting here after lectures with all the 3rd year students."

"Where are you going?" Hoseok looked at him confused since the boy seemed like he was dying and unable to even move an inch without almost collapsing.

"Need to buy a new notebook and textbook, I don't understand why he switched them so randomly," Taehyung sighed and picked up Hoseok's drink but paused, "Fuck, why's he coming over?"

"Who?" Hoseok looked around confused while Taehyung stared at Jeongguk who was walking towards him with a devilish smirk.

"Morning baby boy, how's the hangover?" Jeongguk sat close to Taehyung and wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Stop touching me and calling me that," Taehyung pushed him away and rubbed his temples. I'm gonna pass out.

"Wow ouch, that's not what you said after kissing me last night." Jeongguk scoffed.

Hoseok instantly began to choke on his food, "What?!"

"What the fuck are you on about?" Taehyung shot him a judgemental look.

"Do you really not remember?" Jeongguk slowly pulled out his phone and pressed on the most recent video he had saved, a mischievous grin began to grow bigger as he showed both of them video.

Taehyung's expression turned into a horrified one, no longer feeling dizzy anymore and instead in utter shock and embarrassment. Hoseok was the same, jaw wide open and shocked eyes staring at his best friend.

"What the fuck?! Delete that!" Taehyung reached for Jeongguk's phone but the boy held it behind his back.

"I'll think about it if you give me a kiss right now, in front of everyone," Jeongguk puckered his lips and closed his eyes, leaning forward to Taehyung who pushed him back.

"I'm being serious!" Taehyung continued to reach for the phone, but Jeongguk would hold it up high or behind him. Hoseok laughed at the two and sneakily took a picture of the two.

"I would've never thought you'd think I'm pretty and want to kiss me, are you sure you don't have a crush on me?" Jeongguk teased the boy who whined and cupped his red face with his hands.

"I'm going," Taehyung abruptly stood up, "Bye Hoseok, see you tomorrow."

"Bye." Hoseok waved at the boy.

"No you're not going anywhere without me," Jeongguk stood up and placed an arm around the boy again.

"Leave me alone I'm being serious, I'm taking the bus home I feel too faint to deal with walking with you," Taehyung weakly attempted to shove Jeongguk away, but of course that made no difference.

"Stop being so dramatic it's just a hangover, you can sleep it off," Jeongguk said, "Don't waste your money on the bus."

"It's not a hangover I seriously feel like I'm gonna pass out, you stressing me out is making it worse," Taehyung winced when they stepped out of the university and the sun glared right at him which made it harder to keep a stable vision.

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