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Taehyung stared at Hoseok who had a hand over his mouth, choking on the peach ice tea he had been drinking and throwing himself around on the chair from laughter.

"It's not that funny," Taehyung glared at the boy who only laughed harder.

"You were just running with your ass cheeks and balls out? Was there clapping? Did he saying anything?" Hoseok twisted the lid on to stop it from getting everywhere due to thrashing around from laughter.

"What the fuck? Stop being weird, do you know how ashamed and embarrassed I am right now? I can't look at anyone because that little manwhore is probably spreading it everywhere like is with girls legs," Taehyung scoffed and looked to the side.

"Or I could spread yours too?" Jeongguk's sudden appearance made Taehyung jump and Hoseok loudly scream.

"What the fuck is that?!" Hoseok threw a bottle at Jeongguk who quickly caught it and sat down on a stool next to them, "Oh my bad,"

"I'm sitting with you, my friend isn't in and I can't let my bitches think I'm a loner," Jeongguk uncapped the drink and took a sip, "So, what else about me should we discuss? How I'm so fine?"

"I was gonna drink that," Hoseok frowned and pointed at his drink whilst Taehyung was rolling his eyes.

"Don't drink it, who knows where that mouths bin," Taehyung spat.

"Ask yo mama."

"Shut the fuck up," Taehyung gritted his teeth.

Hoseok watched them amused and picked up his packet of crisps.

"How about you shut me up?" Jeongguk leaned forward with a smirk, "I know you like me, cus ya know, I'm a man and-"

"Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I like every man I see. I think I'd end up dating women if you were the person I'd end up with forever," Taehyung glared at Jeongguk.

Hoseok snorted whilst Jeongguk dramatically winced and placed a hand on his heart.

"That really hurt, baby boy," He sighed, brushing his brunette hair back with his hands, "Are you sure you wouldn't want to kiss me at least?"

"I'm confident."

"No, I know we will end up eating each others faces off at one point," Jeongguk smirked and blew a kiss, "Don't forget our bet,"

"What bet?" Hoseok curiously asked.

"Before this week ends, Taehyung will end up sleeping in my bed," Jeongguk answered and wrapped his arm around the frustrated boy, "Don't think we'd make a cute couple?"

"Gross what the fuck?" Taehyung groaned trying to pry away from Jeongguk who held him close tightly and pressed their faces against each other.

"I think you'd have the cutest kids," Hoseok grinned, ignoring how Taehyung was ready to jump forward and kill him.

Taehyung aggressively pushed Jeongguk back, only to the victim of the action when he went toppling back on his stool and colliding with the floor.

Thankfully, Jeongguk acted quick and grabbed his arm, pulling him back up and then wrapping an arm around him to steady his weight. Taehyung quickly held onto Jeongguk's shirt too, unintentionally snuggling up against him out of fear.

Jeongguk stared down at him with an unreadable expression, heart thumping faster than usual and ears growing red.

Hoseok placed a hand against his mouth at the sight, confusing Taehyung who obliviously pulled away and wondered what their expression was about.

"Okay I'm gonna go to my class now," Jeongguk stood up, "I'm throwing a party after school by the way, so if you're not into that try and stay out,"

"What? No! I live there too- why should I stay out? Why are you even throwing a party?" Taehyung asked the boy who just bent down to his ear.

"Everyone who's coming saw that by the way, so stay out to save the embarrassment," Jeongguk stood up again and ruffled his hair, leaving Taehyung frantically looking around.

"Such a fucking jerk," Taehyung muttered and finally looked at Hoseok, "Why the hell are you making that face?"

"Because I just witnessed the beginning of something so beautiful yet messy, something raw and emotional," He answered, wiping a fake a tear.

"I'm not even gonna ask," Taehyung tutted and picked up his backpack, "let's go, we have two minutes."

Once their class was done, Taehyung had begged Hoseok to stay with him at the library. Once again embarrassing himself in front of Jeongguk's friend when the boy said no.

Taehyung was lost, he didn't have a place to stay since Hoseok already had plans and although the university library was 24/7 he was fond of staying in a new area all by himself.

So, he wandered around on the streets for a bit. He occasionally stopped at stores to buy some snacks or sat in a park to read a book.

It's 11 pm now, it should be ending. Taehyung picked himself up from the park bench and made his way to the direction of their house. The closer he got, the more he realised how wrong he was.

He could hear loud booking even though he was five minutes away and there were people even on the road since the cozy house couldn't fit in a lot of people.

Fuck my life. Taehyung bit down on his bottom lip and hesitated on going inside. He stopped in front of his neighbours house glanced up to his room which thankfully had lights off.

"Excuse me, can you ask your roommate to turn off the music? Or we'll call the police," An elderly woman stepped out with a robe wrapped around her tightly and a cigarette in one hand.

Taehyung instantly felt embarrassed and he nodded. That was enough encouragement to send him rushing inside.

"Excuse me," Taehyung politely asked, voice being completely drowned by the music. It was suffocating and he could barely make it Goethe stairs, half the time he was being pushed towards a random direction.

Taehyung wondered how Jeongguk even knew so many people already, it had been just a week at university. And he wondered how the house was able to hold so many people.

"Jeongguk!" He could out when he saw the boy in what once was a tidy kitchen making out with some girl, he didn't have the guts to say anything so he awkwardly stood there.

Jeongguk pulled away with an annoyed tut and turned to Taehyung, letting go of the girl who went to help herself for another drink, "What?"

"You need to stop the party, the neighbours are gonna all the police because of the noise," Taehyung replied but when unheard.

"I can't hear you!"

Taehyung groaned and grabbed Jeongguk by his arm, dragging him upstairs which was much easier since Jeongguk was shoving and yelling at people to get of the way.

Jeongguk stared down at their hands and then back up at Taehyung who opened his room door and switched the lights on. The noise was still there, but it was not as loud as downstairs.

"You need to stop the party, the neighbours are going to call the police," Taehyung repeated himself, frowning when Jeongguk rolled his eyes.

"They just say that, they won't-"

"I don't want to get dragged in with your issue, stop acting like you're the only one living here," Taehyung spat at Jeongguk who rolled his tongue against his cheek.

"Well the same goes for you, I'll do what I want in here as well. If you have an issue with the party go stay with someone else,"

"I can't, Hoseok has plans-"

"Well too bad then, either go sleep on the streets or stay here and deal with the police too," Jeongguk pulled his wrist away from Taehyung's arms and left the startled boy.

Fucking jerk.

Would u stay on the streets if u were tae

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