twenty four.

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6 days later.

Taehyung weakly picked up his backpack, squeezing his eyes shut due to everything around him spinning. He had completely ignored his friends advice and instead followed what his sad feelings had wanted.

His stomach rumbled out of hunger which he satisfied by eating a few pieces of gum, he didn't exactly have the appetite but his body was demanding food.

Now he was too tired to deal with anything, the anger at Jeongguk was long gone but now he was purely miserable and upset about something else.

I'll just take a really long nap once I get back to uni. Taehyung told himself and made his way out of his old room.

When is he getting back? It's been a week since he's been gone. Jeongguk chewed on his bottom lip, staring ahead at the TV that was now boring.

Jeongguk had tried everything to distract himself until Taehyung came back; he went countless parties, spent his time with Jimin and got drunk but nothing worked. Every where he went, Taehyung was subconsciously there.

He had even cleaned the house multiple times to let out his frustration, yet nothing managed to ease him.

I'll double check his rooms clean, maybe he'll see that I actually care that way. Jeongguk stood up from the couch and made his way over to the boys room.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw the boys room as it reminded him of Taehyung. Although his clothes were gone, all of his plushies and posters were still there.

The room was spotless clean too which gave Jeongguk no reason to be in it, but he found it comforting.

He likes to collect this ugly ass plushies, maybe I should get him one? He might forgive me then. Jeongguk picked up a tiny bunny plushie and then placed it back where it belonged. He likes bunnies? Is that is favourite animal?

Jeongguk then looked at the posters and noticed how they were mainly of the same singer. I'll get him an album too, he doesn't seem to have any.

Jeongguk began to make a list of things he could get Taehyung that might make him forgive him, but a thought would shut that hope down fast.

But what if he thinks I'm only buying him stuff because I'm trying to look nice? How do I show that I actually feel bad and care? What if an apology isn't enough?

Jeongguk stressfully sighed and sat down on Taehyung's bed, he mindlessly picked up one of the many bunnies Taehyung had and shook it around.

"Ugly ass bitch." Jeongguk mumbled and turned to the desk. What else does he like?

Jeongguk began to open the study desk's drawers, he didn't expect to find many personal things as it was full of stationary. That was until he picked up a packet of medication in one draw and was half finished.

Oh he's running out of pain killers! I should get him more- Jeongguk stopped when he read that the medication was a pain killer he had never heard of. Prozac?

Jeongguk just placed it back and decided to head to the shops before Taehyung got back. I need to buy an ugly ass bunny, an album...and I'll buy flowers because that's what they do in the movies.

Taehyung stepped out of the train with an exhausted face, his music came to a stop when someone began to ring him.

Please don't be Jeongguk. Taehyung took out his phone from his pocket, sighing in relief when it was Hoseok.


"Turn around!"

"You're back!" Hoseok screeched and threw himself onto Taehyung who groaned and stumbled back, "Woah, what's wrong with you?"

"What kind of thing is that to say when you see someone?" Taehyung attempted to glare at Hoseok, but his he was beyond exhausted to do anything. All he wanted was to be held and reassured of everything.

"Did you not sleep again? You look really pale and skinny too."

"Yeah I couldn't sleep for days," Taehyung honestly answered and began to walk with Hoseok who worriedly walked beside him.

"Why? What happened? Did you not have fun back at home?"

"Not really. I got into an argument with Jeongguk, and then I got upset that Namjoon hyung left to see his boyfriend and my mum wasn't there. Then I basically spent the next couple of days thinking about how horrible last year was."

"Did something happened? Isn't that like...what's it called? STD?"

"PTSD, dumbass," Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Yeah, but I'm too tired to explain what happened, I just really wanna go home and sleep."

"Aw what, I was gonna ask if you wanted to go skateboarding today."

"Since when could you fucking skateboard?"

"Since an hour ago, I can't wait to show you all the cool tricks I've learnt." Hoseok grinned and placed an arm around Taehyung who stumbled about, "Why are you so like- stumble-y? How many days did you stay up for?"

"I don't know, I did sleep though just not that much," Taehyung mumbled and leaned his head against Hoseok for comfort, "I hate getting upset, it always hits me so bad."

Hoseok hummed, staring down at Taehyung with concerned eyes. The argument must've been really bad then.

The two continued to walk in silence, only occasionally talking about what they did over the week long holiday. Twenty minutes later they finally arrived at the house and a dreadful feeling took over Taehyung.

"God, I hope he's not home." Taehyung sighed as he fumbled about with his keys and unlocked the doors, "Are you gonna go home now?"

"Yeah probably, you should take a nap or something you look like you're gonna pass out."

"Can't you stay over? I really don't wanna be alone," Taehyung helplessly turned to his best friend, "You can leave when I sleep,"

"Yeah okay sure, don't worry about it." Hoseok ruffled the boys hair and followed him inside.

"Thank you," Jeongguk smiled at the cashier and placed the album in the same bag he had put the plushie in.

In a much better mood, he began to make his way out of the shopping mall and toward the bus station outside. He hated taking the bus by himself as it was boring and going to the mall by himself was also boring, but he didn't know where else he could get what he needed from.

Plus, putting all that effort in made him feel like he was doing a great job at showing that he truly worried for Taehyung.

I hope he's back home now. Jeongguk glanced at the time to see that it was now the evening and if Taehyung came any later than that he would drown in his concern.

The bus ride frotnlong too, although it was just for 10 minutes it felt like 10 years. When the bus stop only five minutes away from their house showed up, his heart skipped another beat.

"Thank you," Jeongguk mumbled as he hurried off the stop, practically jogging to his house. His black hair bounced against his head and the keys he had attached to his cargo pants jingled until he finally got to the door.

With hands shaking from excitement, he finally opened the door and kicked off his shoes at the entrance.

He's home! Jeongguk beamed when he saw Taehyung's shows lazily kicked around which wasn't like him at all.

Jeongguk excitedly raced straight upstairs towards Taehyung's room that had its door wide open, almost like it was inviting him in.

"Tae-" Jeongguk stopped and his smile dropped when he saw the unbearable sight in front of him.

Taehyung was knocked out in bed with Hoseok, the other boys arms securely around Taehyung who snored softly and had his arms pressed up against Hoseok's broad chest.

Jeongguk's throat ran dry and a sharp pain stung his chest. He had to force himself to shut the door to not look at how cozy Taehyung was with someone else.

It's fine, they're just friends?


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