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Jeongguk yawned and reached to turn his alarm off, almost suffocating Taehyung due to the phone being past him. It took him some time to realise that he was still pressed up against Taehyung, only registering it when Taehyung tightened his arm around him and breathed softly against his chest.

The elder stared down at him, eyes trailing down to Taehyung's collarbones that were on display since the boy was topless underneath the covers. They then returned to his face that was soft and puffy, cheeks squished together due to one of his arms going over his face and the other below his face.

Jeongguk carefully moved his arm down so that he could get up, but instead he was stuck again when Taehyung let out a soft whine and placed his hand on top of Jeongguk's as if he was believing that the elder was falling off the bed.

He's cute. He smiled and gently pulled his hand away from Taehyung. But then his smile dropped. Not in an gay way though. Jeongguk nodded to himself and decided to freshen up.

Taehyung continued to sleep, stirring a few times when Jeongguk made too much noise whilst getting dressed. He only proceeded his state of serenity when Jeongguk left the room to do whatever.

I have nothing to do today. Jeongguk huffed and stopped in front of Taehyung's ruin. Might as well clean his room.

Jeongguk cleaned the boys room quite fast since it wasn't as messy as the rest of the house, so after twenty minutes he returned back to his room and frowned when Taehyung was no longer in the bed.

"Did you clean my room?" Taehyung asked whilst walking past Jeongguk's room which made the elder snap his head around to catch a glimpse of the boy.

"Yeah I just did," Jeongguk followed Taehyung who opened the door to his room, analysing it to make sure that the boy had done a good job, "So? Is it clean enough?"

"Yeah, thanks," Taehyung yawned and dragged his feet towards his desk, stopping when he realised that Jeongguk was doing the same thing too, "What the hell are you doing in my room?" He suspiciously raised an eye at Jeongguk who walked around and touched a few objects curiously.

"I have nothing to do, I'm bored," Jeongguk picked up a plushie a frowned at it, "The fuck is this? It's ugly, get rid of it," he tutted and chucked it at Taehyung who glared at him as it hit his face.

"Don't you have a party to go to? Or a girl to meet?" The brunette questioned, sitting down in his chair whilst Jeongguk decided that his desk was the best seat, "You're sitting on my textbook!" Taehyung whined and yanked it from underneath Jeongguk who remained unbothered.

"I'm going to a party tonight though, do you wanna come with?" Jeongguk asked the boy who stared at him as if he was insane.



"I don't like parties."


"Because I don't like being around drunk people I don't know."


"Can you stop asking me why?" Taehyung shot him an annoyed look and turned a page on his notebook. Jeongguk just smirked and leaned forward.


"Oh my god are twelve or something?"


"Get out of my room."


"Jeongguk I'm being serious! Stop annoying me I need to study for this-"

"Why?" Jeongguk's smirk grew into a grin and laughter began to leave him when he saw the anger on Taehyung's face, "You get angry so easily,"

"Because you're always annoying me," Taehyung replied quickly and picked up his pen again.

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