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Jeongguk groaned as he rolled around on the couch, sticking his hand out to reach for his phone but instead knocking over a bowl of nuts. The sound made him flinch awake and sit up with a confused face.

Where the hell-? Jeongguk blinked rapidly to see that he was in the living room all by himself and in front of him was Taehyung deciding what shoes to wear.

"What are you doing?" Jeongguk spoke with a raspy voice and swallowed down the nauseating feeling he had in his stomach.

"Getting ready for my test." Taehyung mumbled as he slipped on some shoes.

"A test? But it's only been a week since uni."

"It's been a month dumbass." Taehyung replied and picked up the keys from the coat hangers, "Clean up the mess."

"Wait! We're supposed to go to class together!" Jeongguk called out for the boy who didn't turn around once and just left the house without saying another word. What's wrong with him?

Taehyung sighed as he walked towards the university, not listening to any music due to being in too much of a low mood. Why were his friends so rude to me today? I was just getting ready for class.

"What's with that look on your face?" Hoseok bumped his arm into Taehyung who flinched and looked up with a surprised face, "You that nervous for the test?"

"No," Taehyung replied, "It's just that, Jeongguk's friends were being mean yesterday and again this morning."

"Why?" Hoseok's humorous smile dropped instantly.

"I don't know? Yesterday they called me for a bitch for not joining in with them drinking and then this morning when they were leaving they were giving me dirty looks and I think one of them said something homophobic about me."

Hoseok's eyes darkened, "What? Who? What did they say?"

Taehyung hesitated knowing that Hoseok was terrifying when mad, "I don't know if I heard him clearly but he just said that Jeongguk should stay away from me because you know, he was drunk and-" Taehyung paused no longer feeling comfortable finishing the sentence off.

"What did he look like?"

"Black hair and tall, but don't worry about it let's just focus on the test today," Taehyung snaked an arm around Hoseok's as an attempt to cheer up but the boy didn't seem to change.

"Who the fuck does he think he is? Did you tell Jeongguk? There's no point anyway, that stupid fucktard has 3 functioning brain cells of which 2 are already on their last straw and the only stable one is a sex addict. I won't be surprised if he's the one feeding that behaviour, you should stop being friends with him."

"Hoseok, calm down, I was never friends with him in the first place," Taehyung patted the boys back, "You're more mad than me." He laughed.

"Yeah because I know you dealt with that type of shit before and I'm not gonna let it slide this time." Hoseok huffed.

"But we didn't even go to the same school back then, you couldn't have done anything. Just forget about it alright? I'll talk to Jeongguk about it if they get too annoying," Taehyung reassured the boy who rolled his eyes.

"Do you wanna drink together after the exam? I know you hate day drinking but now we're both gonna go into the exam in a bad mood so we should drink to lighten it up," Hoseok suggested to the boy who hummed in thought.

"Let's drink at yours then, I'd hate getting drunk in public during the day," Taehyung shuddered at the thought, "And not too much so that we can sleep peacefully after, I'd hate to be hungover today."

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