thirty four.

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people from telegram alr know what to expect 😏😏 my usernames the same as on Wattpad btw text me and I'll add u to the channel


Taehyung cracked his neck as he sat down in the university cafe beside Hoseok who was staring black with his mouth slightly ajar. He couldn't help but laugh at the, and pick up a piece of his salad to throw into his mouth.

"How was the test?" He spoke up, laughing before Hoseok even answered him.

"I'd rather sit at the table with my mum holding a wooden spoon while I do my maths homework than ever sit a test again."

"It wasn't that bad."

"Easy for you to say, you study like it's the only thing you have going on." Hoseok scoffed at the boy and stole his salad, swatting Taehyung's hands that reached for it.

"It's not that easy with Jeongguk distracting me," Taehyung sighed, "Can you give me my salad back?"

"Nah," Hoseok stuck his fork into the lettuce and brought it up to his mouth, "What's Jeongguk doing?"

"Oh he decided not to come in today because he didn't get enough sleep last night apparently. He stayed up with me while I was studying."

"Really? Then who the fuck am I look at right now?" Hoseok pointed the fork behind Taehyung who raised his eyebrows and turned around confused.

There was Jeongguk walking like he was on the first day of uni, surrounded by different girls and boys with that smug look on his face. Only difference now was that he had not a single interest in his surroundings was just staring at Taehyung while walking.

Taehyung's face burned up when Jeongguk blew him a kiss which caused most people to turn into his direction.

Hoseok stared with a disgusted face, "My left balls itching."

"Gross." Taehyung faced him again with also a disgusted expression, "So is it gonna rain?"

"Nah it's gonna thunder, my right ball feels funny," Hoseok shook his head and returned to eating Taehyung's salad with an unsatisfied look, "How do you enjoy this shit? Tastes like nothing."

"It's not about the taste, it's about how I look like I care about myself," Taehyung explained to Hoseok who let out an 'oh' and nodded impressed, "Can we do something other than drink tonight?"

"But it'll be funny to have a horror movie marathon while we're drunk!" Hoseok whined immediately, "What else are we supposed to do?"

"Okay fine, but I'm not drinking that much. Jeongguk wants to go the city at night, so I won't stay that late."

"What? Cancel it-"

"I don't think so." Jeongguk suddenly appeared and forcefully pushed Taehyung onto the edge of his chair and sat down on the other half, "Me and my boyfriend here are going on a date,"

"I'm not your boyfriend." Taehyung whispered, ears burning due to how that one statement caught the attention of many students around him.

"Shh, I'm manifesting right now," Jeongguk hushed the boy and proceeded to place an arm around his neck, "So, what time are you guys finishing the movie marathon?"

"9 pm." Hoseok answered.

"Great, I'll meet the train station?" Jeongguk only looked at Taehyung who had his eyes on everyone but him. He's so shy.

"Um, okay." Taehyung quietly answered.

"We're both gonna be tipsy, so it's gonna be fun like Saturday night." Jeongguk smirked and stood up, "I'll see tonight baby boy."

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