forty one.

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"Stop walking so far from me," Jeongguk whined, reaching for Taehyung who tutted and pushed him away.

"We're literally bumping into each other every five seconds." Taehyung frowned, yanking his hand back which Jeongguk kept trying to hold, "Stop that!"

"Why the hell aren't you holding my hand?! Are you my boyfriend or what?"

"I don't want to hold your hand in public, it's so embarrassing because everyone's gonna stare at me."

"That's really fucking stupid." Jeongguk onto the boys hand anyway and closed any gap between them which resulted in Taehyung whining.

Still, a small smile crept up onto Taehyung's slightly red face. Jeongguk noticed that too and gave him the urge to kiss his blushing cheeks, but he wasn't going to make Taehyung feel embarrassed any further so he stopped himself.

Jeongguk did let of Taehyung's hand when they arrived at their university, but he still walked beside him to the table inside of the cafe that Hoseok was always waiting at.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Hoseok raised an eyebrow when both of them sat beside each other, "And where's my breakfast?"

"I can sit with my boyfriend if I want." Jeongguk shot a glare at the other who just raised an eyebrow and turned to Taehyung.

"It's not your breakfast, it's mine." Taehyung glared at him too, ignoring what Jeongguk had just said and what Hoseok was waiting for him to address.

"Are you two actually a thing or is he being annoying again?" Hoseok pointed at Jeongguk who gasped in offence.

"It's rude to point! Taehyung, tell him off." Jeongguk shook Taehyung who gently removed his hands and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah we are dating," Taehyung answered, trying his best to not acknowledge the way his ears were burning up and the heartbeat that skipped.

Jeongguk whoever, noticed every single bit of it and smirked, "Can I tell everyone you're my boyfriend now?"

"Yeah." Taehyung answered, wondering who else Jeongguk had to tell since he fell out with most of his friends.

Suddenly, Jeongguk placed two hands around his mouth and took a deep breath in, "T-"

"Stop! What the hell are you doing?!" Taehyung grabbed the boys hands and yanked them down, lightly smacking his biceps while Jeongguk just laughed.

"I'm gonna throw up." Hoseok mumbled watching how Jeongguk was trying to intertwine his hands with Taehyung who continuously pinched his arms, "Guys cut it out," he leaned forward and quickly separated the two, "This is like some high school romance."

"Why do you say high school? You're not American." Jornggguk frowned at Hoseok.

"Why are you so annoying?"

"What kind of comeback is that? Are you 12?"

"No but I fucked your mum in 12 different positions last night.

"That's something a 12 year would say."

"Why would you think about a 12 year old saying that? Pedophile."

"What the hell? You know what I meant!"

"Cut it out guys," Taehyung eventually jumped in when he saw that the two of them were slowly starting to get out of their seats.

"Why would you say yes to dating this thing?" Hoseok circled Jeongguk's face who just had a cocky grin on the entire time.


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