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Jeongguk had his hands on his hips, eyes staring worriedly at Taehyung who was breathing heavily underneath his covers and occasionally peaking out when it got too hot or he felt faint again.

"Get up," Jeongguk kneed the mattress causing Taehyung to shake and whine, "Come on if you just lay there all weak you're gonna get weaker."

"I'm resting," Taehyung whined, "Why are you even still here go to your date or something," he spoke without opening his eyes.

"Because if I leave you here I'm gonna come back to a dead body," Jeongguk kneed the mattress again, huffing when Taehyung didn't budge and began to fall asleep again, "Well you should eat something before you sleep again at least."

"I'll cook later." Taehyung mumbled.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes and made his way out of the room. He knew that Taehyung was not going to cook later, or later would mean when the dead over, so he decided to make the boy something himself instead.

However, although he was being considerate he wasn't that considerate to cook a good healthy meal. He opened up the kitchen cabinets and took out a cup of ramen, ripping open the lid halfway and then poured in some hot water.

What did he even get sick from? I thought not eating just meant you'd feel dizzy? Jeongguk pondered ad he waited for the water to do its work.

After some time, he poured out the water and added the sauce instead. Once he stirred the ramen he ran back upstairs to Taehyung who hadn't moved an inch.

"Fat ass, get up and eat," Jeongguk sat down on the bed and kept shaking the boy until he finally sat up. He frowned when he noticed how our breath Taehyung was from just sitting up, "Do you have covid or something why are you breathing like that?"

"I'm so fucking tired leave me alone," Taehyung whined and placed an arm around his aching stomach, the pain being so strong that he couldn't focus on Jeongguk's hand that was now pressed up again his cheek.

"You don't have a fever, it's probably because you haven't ate all so here have some ramen." Jeongguk passed the cup to the boy but then retreated it when Taehyung held out a trembling hand, "Okay never mind, say ah,"

Taehyung opened his mouth tiredly and let Jeongguk feed him, almost moaning when food finally hit his tongue, "That's so fucking good what is that?"

Jeongguk glanced down at the cup, "A special delicacy I came up with myself."

"You're a genius this is the best thing I've ever ate give me more." Taehyung opened his mouth again, this time actually moaning.

Jeongguk couldn't help but silently laugh as he fed Taehyung who continued to praise his dish. His smile began to soften as he took in how Taehyung who was pouting as he ate and trying to look up Jeongguk only to fail which was adorable to Jeongguk.

"Do you want more?" Jeongguk asked the boy who slowly nodded.

"Do you not have any friends to be with right? Or do you only talk to girls you wanna fuck?" Taehyung asked since he wasn't used to Jeongguk staying for a purpose other than wanting to bother him or sleep in his bed for whatever stupid reason.

Jeongguk gasped offended, "Of course I have friends! I have Jimin!"

"Okay okay stop yelling," Taehyung pulled the covers over himself again, "I'm so cold turn the fan off."

"There's no fan in here." Jeongguk replied and began to walk towards the door.

"Can you get in bed with me then?"

Jeongguk froze. "What?"

"What? I really need something to keep me warm," Taehyung spoke from beneath the covers.

"But isn't that"

Taehyung grabbed his pillow and instantly chucked it at Jeongguk, "Dickhead, just say no next time."

"Okay okay! Let me put this cup away," Jeongguk mumbled, almost running out of the room with a racing heart. Why the fuck is my heart racing? I'm not gay.

If this cup lands in the bin I'm not gay. Jeongguk stood at the end of the stairs and stretched his arm out, chucking the cup across the living room and beside the bin that sat at the edge of the kitchen.

"What the fuck?" Jeongguk ran to the bin and picked it up again, he took a few steps back into the living room and lifted his arm again. If this lands in the bin I'm not gay.

Jeongguk frowned when it hit the counter and bounced off onto the floor instead.

Bullshit. Jeongguk picked it up again, this time slamming it into the bin and storming off angrily.

"Can you say no homo before I get inside?" Jeongguk requested as he walked back into the room, shutting the door behind him using the heel of his foot.

"Can you shut up?" Taehyung flinched when Jeongguk threw the pillow from the floor back at him, "You cunt!"

"I'm feeling cunty indeed," Jeongguk smirked, but then frowned. Wait isn't that a gay thing to say?

"Are you getting in or not?"

"I am, be patient," Jeongguk rolled his eyes and kicked off his socks, purposefully throwing himself onto the bed causing Taehyung to scream out of fear.

"Never mind get out."

"Stop being dramatic," Jeongguk faced away from Taehyung and took out his phone to pass some time since he wasn't exactly planning to fall asleep cuddling Taehyung.

However, Taehyung was. He did not fancy Jeongguk or anything, but he was freezing and needed to hug something. So without much thought, he turned around and ran his arms up Jeongguk's torso, his slim hands rested against the boys buff chest and felt the boys heartbeat pound roughly.

Jeongguk's ears began to burn and his eyes shot down to Taehyung's hands that looked perfect against him. No, fuck no, I only like it when girls do that.

Jeongguk removed Taehyung's hands lightly and instead decided to face Taehyung since that mean he could no longer see his hands. Instead, he saw a view that made his heart beat harder.

Taehyung pressed himself up against Jeongguk's chest and let his arms fold between them so that they weren't left out in the cold. His long dolly lashes fanned against his cheeks as he blinked slowly until he began to drift of to sleep again.

Then his lips began to relax and turn into a pout due to one of his hands awkwardly pressed itself against his cheek. Every single part of the boy sleeping was pretty and cute, no matter how hard Jeongguk tried not to stare it wouldn't work.

So, he squeezed his eyes shut and forced himself to sleep it off.

Please God let me dream about boobs.

OH NO U AINT BOY 😏😏 the drawing above is their cuddling position I couldn't describe it

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