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guys pls read my authors note

Jeongguk rolled around on the bed, hugging the duvet that was in his arms and between his legs like a body. His peaceful expression began to fade when he realised that he had been freely rolling around without falling off or crushing Taehyung.

"Shit Taehyung!" Jeongguk shot awake and jumped out of bed, frowning when he saw that there was no one underneath him, "Where the fuck-" he slowly turned around to see that the mentioned boy was still at his desk except this time he had head against the desk, "Are you dead?!"

"Oh my gosh can you shut up?" Taehyung groaned and slowly sat up, wincing when pain shot through his neck, "What day is it?"

"Sunday," Jeongguk replied and walked over to the boy, "Did you stay up all night?"

"Yeah," Taehyung picked up his phone and stood up, "Im going to the pharmacy."

"Can't you just get some pain killers from Tesco? Get me some alcohol too," Jeongguk's eyes lit up, only to be shut down when Taehyung shook his head.

"I'm picking up a prescription."

"I'll pick them up then and get myself alcohol," Jeongguk stuck his hand out waiting for the boy to hand him some money, "Can I borrow some cash I'll pay you back next week."

"No you fucking idiot you don't even have a job." Taehyung pushed past him towards the toilet but the elder followed him anyway.

"Actually I'm gonna be babysitting this week," Jeongguk grinned causing Taehyung to halt in his steps and snap his head around.

"What the fuck do you mean you're babysitting?"

"Yeah I met this teen mum at the party and she said she feels guilty for partying because she has a baby to look after and she always runs back after an hour because she doesn't wanna pay a babysitter too much. So, being the gentleman I am I said I'll babysit her kid for £30 until she comes back," Jeongguk's smile grew wider whilst Taehyung's frown grew deeper.

"How the fuck are you going to take care of a baby?! All you do is get drunk and smoke shit."

"I'm really good with kid's actually, I'll prove it to you on Friday night," Jeongguk proudly stated, "I'm a very responsible man thank you."

"Is that a joke?" Taehyung scoffed and continued walking towards the bathroom, "Don't think I'm gonna help you with it, I'm meeting my mum so you're gonna be all by yourself," he stopped at the bathroom and turned around to face Jeongguk.

Suddenly, Jeongguk stepped closer and placed an arm over Taehyung's head with a smirk plastered on his face, "I'm more upset I won't be with you, baby boy."

"Don't call me that you fucking creep," Taehyung roughly shoved the boy off and ran into the bathroom.

"So can I borrow some money?!" Jeongguk yelled and knocked on the door.

"No!" Taehyung yelled back as he sat on the toilet, "Can't even fucking shit in peace."

"Do you want me to hold your hand? You'll feel better!"

"Fuck off!"

Jeongguk cackled and walked away from the door back into Taehyung's room. He hummed as he scanned the room until he spotted the boys everyday jacket. Without much remorse he took out some money and shortly left the house.

Taehyung patted his face dry and made his way back to his room. Immediately he could tell Jeongguk had stolen money when he saw his jacket on the floor instead of neatly hung up with the rest of his clothes.

What a fucking jerk. Taehyung huffed and picked it up to place it back where it belonged. He decided to ease his anger by burying his face into studying since there wasn't much he could do about it.

After an hour of studying, his eyes began to grow heavy and the urge to sleep took over however, he was shocked awake by the sudden sound of yelling downstairs.

His legs carried him rapidly down the stairs, slowing down when he saw Jeongguk with a group of friends and many bottles of alcohol or brands Taehyung couldn't pronounce.

"How much are we drinking?" One of Jeongguk's friends asked, or a past hook up Taehyung assumed since she had her arm and head around Jeongguk.

"Depends if you want to go to class tomorrow," Jeongguk smiled down at her and looked up when the group laughed.

Taehyung felt a little hurt than none of them greeted him and felt insecure when a few glanced at him and then exchanged knowing glanced at each other.

"Jeongguk," Taehyung quietly called out. The eyes on him made him feel incredibly insecure of every little thing he was doing which made it harder for him to talk, "Jeongguk did you at least pick up my prescription?" He asked again, but he was drowned out by laughter.

"Jeon, your roommate wants something," One boy said without glancing at Taehyung which also made him feel bad.

Taehyung shyly looked around, heartbeat picking up due to how it fell silent and everyone was staring at him.

"Huh?" Jeongguk finally gave him his attention.

"Did you pick up my-"

"Oh right, I forgot." Jeongguk gave a short answer and returned to his friends, "Let's start now and see who gets fucked up first," he eagerly spoke as he rushed to the couch.

Taehyung chewed on his bottom lip and grabbed a pair of keys, practically running out of the house without caring about how he was still in his flip flops.

I don't know how he can be like that in front of so many people. He pondered as he walked peacefully to the nearest pharmacy. Shit I didn't even bring my phone, what if this pharmacy doesn't do it? Or what if they do something with my phone?

Taehyung attempted not feel to worried about it, but having nothing to distract himself with all he could do was overthink.

He's probably trashing the house again. Taehyung sighed and walked faster so that he could get back quicker and save his room from becoming a mess again.

Once he collected his medicine, he jogged back to the house which was only ten minutes away from the pharmacy. He fiddled with his keys to get back inside and took a deep breath before dealing with the scene unfolding inside.

Jeongguk had a girl on his lap whilst his friends were cheering him on and pointing cameras at him. There was music blaring in the back as they had managed to figure out a way to connect to the speakers and the living room was somehow a mess with just five people there.

Gross. Taehyung shut the door behind him and attempted to walk away, but a boy stopped in front of him.

"Are you not gonna join us?" He asked with a slurred voice.

Taehyung's heart began to race again, "No sorry."

"Oh come on you're gonna kill the vibe if you're just gonna act all judgy and moody!"

Taehyung's cheeks began to heat up as the room fell silent even with music playing. He glanced at the other group who was now staring at him with curious eyes.

"I need to go." Taehyung mumbled and hurried past to his room, frowning when he heard 'bitch' being muttered amongst the group.

What did I even do wrong?

guys just to let u know the SA isn't detailed and there isn't a scene about it, they just talk about it and it focuses on the trauma of it 😄 because I want to vent out my feelings about it but I hate having deep talks with my friends and therapy so I'm using this book 😜

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