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Taehyung brushed his fluffy brown hair, adjusting it to his face and liking. Although his face was blank, he was the complete opposite inside because down the hall was Jeongguk he had to deal with.

He took a deep breath in and stepped out of his room with his backpack already around his shoulder and phone in his hand. He dragged his feet down the hallway and to Jeongguk's room, knocking on it twice before opening it.

"Are you coming?" Taehyung asked Jeongguk was groaning about on his bed.

"No, too hungover." He gagged which was enough to make Taehyung quickly shut the door and leave.

Gross. He shuddered and made his way downstairs. Taehyung plugged in his headphones and double checked he had everything before leaving.

The first thing he did was grab some breakfast from a nearby shop, he ate that as he walked towards their university for about twenty minutes.

After, he spotted Hoseok waiting for him at the entrance and he smiled widely at him.

"How did it go with him yesterday?" Hoseok asked firstly while walking inside and towards a wide staircase that lead upstairs to lecture halls.

"He was too drunk to give me a proper answer," Taehyung let his shoulders drop, "He kissed me again too."

"Not surprised, all that guy thinks about is sex."

"Everyone's staring at me again, and especially his friend group look," Taehyung frowned, and glanced up at Hoseok who looked at Jeongguk's friend group.

Jimin smiled at Taehyung and Hoseok, but he received a glare and a blank face instead. At first he was upset and confused until he noticed the rest of the group giggling and staring at Taehyung.

"Jeongguk boys is pretty...strange, but the boy being Taehyung is even stranger." One commented.

"Yeah, like what do they have in common? Jeongguk is some party animal and that kid looks like he'd pass out from one shot."

"Guys cut it out, it's not like you know Taehyung personally." Jimin sternly told the group, "And why do you care? Are you the one dating him? You guys have all this confidence now but I know if you said this in front of Jeongguk you'd be scared."

"Calm down," A boy rolled his eyes at Jimin who shot him a disgusted look.

"I really don't wanna go class, I feel sick from how nervous I am." Taehyung said in a panicked tone which made Hoseok stop.

"Let's skip then, we can catch up later," Hoseok instantly offered and surprisingly, Taehyung agreed, "I was gonna dye my hair today, so you can come help."

"Okay." Taehyung nodded and the two began to walk the other way, "Thank God this is our last day, we can have some time off."

"Yeah I know, but it's only two weeks off." Hoseok sighed, "It's been a full term of studying but it feels like I've been here for years."

"It's fine, 3 more years of psychology and we're free," Taehyung smiled, "Until we reapply to get a PhD."

"Don't remind me." Hoseok cringed.

"What colour are you going for?"

"Well I'm gonna bleach it today and then go for pink, you should bleach yours too."

"Okay, but only a little bit. I want to go light brown, not blonde." Taehyung decided to agree, he wanted to do something that would take his mind off of all the negative parts.

Jeongguk groaned when his peace was interrupted by his phone buzzing next to his face. He lazily picked it up, placing it against his ear expecting it to be a girl or his parents.

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