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Jeongguk stressfully chewed on the inside of his cheek, tapping his pen aggressively against his empty sheet of paper that was meant to be a mind-map for his new project.

"Wanna see the pictures I took over the week?" A blonde boy asked in front of him, eagerly turning his laptop screen around to show his work, "I took my friend to this old town-"

"Jimin, how did you know you liked boys?" Jeongguk turned to the other who stared at him surprised.

"When I asked that question to my gay friend," Jimin answered him, "Why? Who do you like?"

"I think I like my roommate Taehyung," Jeongguk swallowed dryly, it felt weird to say not only because Taehyung was a boy but because he couldn't remember the last time he had a crush on someone.

"Well, if you figure out you actually like him then you'll have your answer as to whether you like boys or not."

"Yeah but how do I know I like him?"

"When you sit here and say you think you like someone and start thinking about all the things you like about them and then realise holy shit! I do like them!" Jimin answered in one breath, smiling after and returning back to his laptop screen.

Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows in thought, "He is annoying, but in a cute way. He's quiet but he's loud around me which makes me feel special. He's also really pretty- like the prettiest person I've ever seen. And he's smart, which always make someone attractive."

Jimin let out a hum.

"And he pays attention to me even if I'm annoying- and he's so cute when he's sleeping. God, and when he's sick it's so scary but I loved taking care of him- I skipped my date for that." Jeongguk chuckled and shook his head, and then gasped.

Jimin hummed, "Three...two...on-"

"Holy shit I like him!" Jeongguk came to the horrifying yet comforting realisation, "I like a boy?!"

"Wow, you came out faster than me," Jimin raised his eyebrows at the boy who now had the attention of everyone in class, "Do you realise what you've just done?"

"Yeah I've just realised I like men's ass!" Jeongguk grabbed his hair with wide eyes and continued to gasp, "Wow, this is so new."

"You've just said you like Taehyung in front of everyone, this is gonna spread within seconds and Taehyung's gonna find out by today- if not now," Jimin looked around the class to see people whispering and typing on their phones with surprised faces.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Yeah, have you heard of this thing called homophobia?"

"Fear of water?"

"No you dumb shit, where you hate gay people."

"Oh." Jeongguk frowned, "Yeah I know what that is."

"Aren't you scared?" Jimin raised his eyebrows knowing that when he had first came out, it was his biggest fear and battle.

"Not really, I'd like to see someone try pick a fight when I have these," Jeongguk raised his arms and flexed his large muscles with a smirk.

Jimin laughed and shook his head, "It might not seem deep now, but that type of shit hurts more than a punch. I'd be careful with who you hang out with, having homophobic friends can be really hurtful."

"Yeah I know, I don't think I'm friends with anyone like that," Jeongguk thought carefully and shrugged, "I'll beat them up if they try anything."

"You know," Jimin frowned, "Taehyung could get shit too?"

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