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"I've known him for like a day and he's already so unbelievably annoying," Taehyung spoke bitterly, making sure he was quiet so that the students around them wouldn't hear them. They sat in a cafe area that was becoming full due to the amount of new curious students wanting to explore the foods and campus.

"Taehyung hates another person, what a shocker," Hoseok sarcastically replied and took a bite out of his sandwich. A frown appeared on his face and he slowly pulled out a cucumber, "I don't like how cucumbers are paired with bread. wet and crunch mixing with soft crumbs, I'd rather die than eat a cucumber with bread near it,"

Taehyung let out a short breath of air and stared off into the distance, "Like me and Jeongguk, he's always wet and I'm soft,"

"Don't ever use the word wet like that again I think I'm gonna throw up from hearing it," Hoseok shuddered taking another bite of his sandwich, "You'll be fine, once you two get used to each other and learn each other's boundaries, everything will be normal like you guys are best friends,"

"No we won't, I can feel it in my left ass cheek," Taehyung mumbled and let his face rest against the palm of his hand. He daintily sat on the chair, admiring the university with dreamy eyes and a soft smile. His smile fell when they landed on a flaw, "Look subtly, but there he is, fucking dickhead."

"Where?" Hoseok snapped his head around to try and spot the mentioned boy. Unfortunately, he didn't see Jeongguk walk past them with a few girls following him and a smug smile on his face.

Taehyung squinted his eyes in disgust when he saw the superiority and high ego on Jeongguk's face. The boys chin was confidently high and he smirked at any girl that spoke to him, laughing lowly to appear as attractive. Taehyung had to admit he was handsome, but his personality was appalling.

"I thought that girls surrounding boys was a movie thing- and something that happens when you're like 16," Taehyung's judgemental eyes didn't leave Jeongguk who also continued to stare at him, "Thought we'd all be so much mature in uni,"

"My friend said people in university actually lack so much emotional maturity and that it's not that different from secondary school when drama happens," Hoseok gasped when he recalled the information and then also judgementally looked around, "That's sad as hell, in university and probably employed but you probably still cry over a crush," he tutted and shook his head whilst Taehyung nodded in agreement.

"Who are we to judge? We're sitting here talking shit about people on our first day," Taehyung picked up his phone to check the time whilst Hoseok continued to laugh at his statement, "Our lecture starts in five minutes, let's go,"

"Alright, let's see go find out if we're gonna be miserable in university or academic," Hoseok picked up his backpack from the floor along with Taehyung who just simply nodded.

Their first class of the day was only a 2 hour lecture which thankfully wasn't boring. Taehyung was pleased with the first day and was grateful that he hadn't picked a boring subject. Having Hoseok in his class was also a benefit since it meant he didn't need to worry about not having any friends and not having anyone to ask questions.

Unfortunately, the good day had to come to an end when he stepped out of the university gates and saw Jeongguk standing there with his phone out and a bunch of people. They seemed to be exchanging numbers or flirting, Taehyung wasn't that interested.

Do I go up to him or do I just wait? Taehyung pondered for a few seconds before someone bumped into him making him stumble forward and almost fall. Oh my fucking God that's so embarrassing.

"Oh my God, did you just see that? That guy almost got trampled on," A long acrylic nail pointed at the clearly embarrassed boy which made a few of them snicker, "Poor thing,"

Jeongguk turned around confused and then stifled a laugh when he saw Taehyung, "He's the roommate I was telling you guys about, I'm gonna go join him now, see you tomorrow," he winked at the group before heading towards Taehyung's direction.

Ah fuck there he comes. Taehyung tensed up as Jeongguk neared him and let out a whine when he placed a heavy arm around his neck, "Stop,"

"No," Jeongguk let out a loud sigh and began to walk towards their house, "What a long day at university, I thought it would be hard to sit in that classroom but it was pretty fun taking pictures. I managed to get this girls number because I took a photo of her on my camera and said she'd make a great model,"

"Okay," Taehyung monotonously replied, "You do photography?"

"Yeah, pretty fun, my mum's a photographer so I've always wanted to be like her when I was a child," Jeongguk smiled. For a second, Taehyung smiled too and thought that it was cute, "I'd probably record a sex tape,"

"Walk by yourself, I don't want to hear your stupid sex talk," Taehyung shoved the boy off only to be pulled by the wrist. The sudden force made him stumble back and crash into Jeongguk who quickly wrapped a secure arm around him to stop him from falling.

"You're so weak," Jeongguk let go of the boy not thinking much about the action whereas Taehyung was a blushing mess.

"I was caught off guard," Taehyung glared at the boy stared at him and then slowly began to smirk.

"You're blushing, did my strength turn you on?"

"No," Taehyung hastily replied and looked behind them to make sure no one was hearing  Jeongguk's weird comments.

"It's fine if you were, just no homo-"

"Oh my God, shut up!" Taehyung groaned and began to walk faster which only made Jeongguk laugh harder.

Due to the fast walking, the two arrived at their house faster than expected. Taehyung was the one to open the door since he was the only one that remembered to take the keys before he left, and the second he got in he was gone.

Jeongguk just grinned watching the boy run upstairs with a flustered face and then made his way over to the kitchen where he decided to help himself to Taehyung's snacks.

"He's got good taste," Jeongguk mumbled to himself, opening up a packet of ramen and then rummaging through the cabinets to find some seaweed.

A soft hum left him as he began to cook and he swayed his hips to an imaginary beat, the longer it went on the harder he began to dance and hum.

"Can you stop eating my snacks?!" Taehyung loudly exclaimed the second he came down the stairs. The latter completely froze and stared at him with an annoyed expression.

"Can you not kill my vibe?" Jeongguk scoffed and regained his posture, "And I can eat your snacks if I want, why should I not?"

"What kind of stupid question is that? They're my snacks that I bought with my money."

"Okay, well it's not fair that I have to buy my own food and pay for the rent when your mum pays off yours," Jeongguk spat at the boy.

"You're paying rent? You don't even look like you can get a job," Taehyung raised a judgmental eyebrow at the elder.

"Nah you're right, my student finance pays it off," Jeongguk laughed before returning to the boiling pot, "But come on, you're a nice guy, you won't mind if poor me gets fed?"

"Shut up," Taehyung shook his head in disbelief, "I'm gonna take a nap now, don't burn the kitchen down,"

"Alright alright," Jeongguk rolled his eyes, "Night baby,"

"Don't call me that."

"Okay sweetheart," Jeongguk laughed to himself whilst Taehyung made his way towards his room again.

I think he's gay.

Ya think

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