twenty eight.

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Jeongguk held onto Taehyung tight, the other was buried into his exposed torso and his leg was on top of Jeongguk's.

They didn't move until Taehyung's alarm began to ring which indicated that it was time to get up for uni. Jeongguk leaned over Taehyung and switched the boys alarm off, cuddling him again after.

"Are you not gonna go class?" Taehyung spoke against Jeongguk's chest who held him tighter after hearing that he was awake.

"No, go back to sleep I'm tired," Jeongguk croaked out. "Can I touch your ass?"

"What the fuck Jeongguk? You just had to ruin a cute moment."

"No it's because my arms feel stiff from holding your waist, it'll be easier if I let it rest on your hip and my hands naturally gonna touch your ass." Jeongguk explained to himself and laughed at Taehyung's reaction.

"Yeah fine, weirdo." Taehyung mumbled.

"Calling me a weirdo like you aren't enjoying this," Jeongguk moved his arm and shamelessly held onto Taehyung's ass.

"You're literally grabbing my ass- this isn't even naturally touching!"

"Can I grab your ass and use it like a stress ball please?"

"No you fucking weirdo," Taehyung spat although he was enjoying Jeongguk's touch and felt upset when Jeongguk moved his hand.

"You've already made out with me and now you're sleeping in my arms, you might as well start dating me."

"No, I don't want a jerk as my boyfriend. I'm not doing anything more than this- even friends sleep together like this." Taehyung stated. Do they?

"Keep telling yourself that." Jeongguk scoffed and pulled the covers over them again, "Night."

"Night, weirdo." Taehyung closed his eyes and forced himself to sleep again.

It took some time, but they eventually went back to sleep. Taehyung found himself wanting to be closer to Jeongguk so he crawled on top of the boy in his slip, his face was pressed up again the others bare chest and his pretty lashes would fan against his skin.

Jeongguk woke up from that an hour later and stared down at Taehyung with a smile. He wrapped his arm around him and used the other hand to caress his hair softly.

He's so adorable when he isn't screaming at me for being a jerk. Jeongguk thought to himself and tilted his head to the side to see if he could get a better view of Taehyung.

A frown settled on his face when he saw all the plasters, and then rage came. He knew Taehyung asked him not to do anything about it, but he never listened to Taehyung.

I should've gone to class, I could've seen him and got his ass. Jeongguk glanced at the time to see that it was now 12 pm, he was surprised that they even slept that long but he wasn't complaining as he got to cuddle with Taehyung.

Jeongguk decided to somehow find a way where he'd always sleep with Taehyung, that way Taehyung would have no chance to stay up all night and ruin his health.

Unfortunately, Jeongguk could see his phone light up from the corner of his eye which meant someone had text him. He stretched his arm out to reach for it, but it was hard when Taehyung was asleep on top of him.

Jeongguk tried his best not to wake him up, but he failed when he finally grabbed his phone and Taehyung whined as he woke up.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung croaked as he rolled off of Jeongguk who sulked at the fact he was no longer on top of him.

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