forty two.

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Taehyung softly smiled to himself while packing the last of his clothes in his backpack. He was beyond excited that he was going somewhere with Jeongguk, so since they had stepped out of their lecture a smile never left his face.

"I finished packing, what times the train?" Jeongguk dragged his feet as he walked in, scratching his back as he did so. A smile formed on his lips when he saw how pretty Taehyung looked wearing a light coloured outfit and some earrings that complemented his blond hair.

"Thirty minutes, and the bus in ten so let's go." Taehyung was about to pick up his bag until Jeongguk's hands turned him around by his shoulders.

Jeongguk placed his lips against Taehyung's soft ones and moved against him slowly. His hands moved from the boy's shoulders and up to his cheeks instead, holding onto them every so gently and lifted Taehyung's head further up.

Taehyung placed his hand against Jeongguk's chest and then began to wrap his arms around his neck instead. He blushed when Jeongguk parted to move strands of hair out of his face and then leaned back down to continue, but Taehyung stopped him.

"We're gonna miss the train if we keep going, let's go." Taehyung picked up his backpack and left the room with Jeongguk who left to grab his.

"Who else are we meeting?"

"No one else, my mum still isn't back from the trip so we won't get to see her this time."

"Damn, I was planning on asking her if I could marry you."

"Shut up, gross." Taehyung opened the door and walked faster than Jeongguk who just laughed and caught up with him.

They managed to get to the station in time, arriving just minutes before their train left. Jeongguk also found some empty seats for them and placed their backpacks in the luggage area for them.

"How long does it take?" Jeongguk asked once he was sat down beside the window and turned to Taehyung who sat down next to him.

"An hour and thirty," Taehyung yawned, resting his head against Jeongguk whose heart began to race at the action, "It's the last stop, so wake me up."

"Okay," Jeongguk placed his hand on top Taehyung's smaller one, giving it a light squeeze after.

He would look out the window and watch the scenery while listening to music, but it wasn't easy when Taehyung was sleeping so prettily on him.

It only got harder to move or look away when Taehyung shuffled a little, burying his face into Jeongguk's neck and wrapping his arm around him as if he was using him like a teddy bear.

Jeongguk held the urge to pepper him with kisses which would wake him and lead him to get scolded. A smile remained on his face the entire ride, mind only thinking about how glad he was to be dating Taehyung.

The last stop turned from an hour away to two minutes away, and Jeongguk began to debate waking Taehyung up when he looked so peaceful.

Nah, he'll push me onto the tracks if we miss our stop. Jeongguk gently shook Taehyung who flinched awake and looked around confused.

"We're here, let's go," He softly spoke, standing up when Taehyung did.

"I shouldn't have slept like that, my neck hurts now," Taehyung groaned and massaged his neck and shoulder, wincing whenever he'd turn his head.

Jeongguk decided to hold onto Taehyung's backpack for him, "Is your house far?"

"No, actually it's only a 10 minute walk." Taehyung smiled and stepped out of the train leading Jeongguk to the exit of the station, "It's getting dark already? I still wanted to show you around."

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