thirty six.

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Taehyung didn't speak to Jeongguk for the rest of yesterday. Not because Jeongguk actually left him alone, but because he locked himself away in his room for the rest of the day and night.

It was a struggle to go to the toilet when Jeongguk was sat waiting outside of his room and would start trying to explain himself the second he appeared. That would in Taehyung shoving him away and locking himself in his room again.

It was now Wednesday, the last day of the week Taehyung had any lectures left. He was currently standing in front of the mirror slipping a top of, swaying on the spot due being heavily dehydrated and sleep deprived.

I can't keep missing lectures, I haven't been studying either. Taehyung told himself and carefully walked towards the door, but before he could open it anxiety hit him.

He could picture all the people at the party laughing at him after knowing that Jeongguk most likely hooked up with someone while leading him on. He probably looked like an idiot to everyone, so the thought of going in became rather terrifying.

It's okay if I miss some lectures, a lot of people barely show up. Taehyung decided not to go in, but to still leave his room and eat something or else he'd collapse again.

His vision was sharp yet so unclear, there were spots starting from the corner of his eyes and overtaking his main field of vision which caused him to grip onto the door from when he unlocked the door.

Jeongguk's head shot up, immediately standing up from the floor he had been sitting on for the past couple of hours.

"Are you okay?" Jeongguk worriedly asked the boy who ignored his question and attempted to walk past, but had to eventually hold onto Jeongguk's arms for support, "I told you to not stay in your room all day, you haven't eaten-"

"Leave me alone." Taehyung shoved him away, but Jeongguk held onto him regardless.

"Tae, I'm really sorry for standing your up. I know you don't believe me, but I didn't hook up with anyone I swear- I wouldn't ever lead you on for no reason, so please stop locking yourself away." Jeongguk begged the boy as they made their way down the stairs.

"Really? You looked comfortable on that girls lap." Taehyung parted himself from him and grabbed onto the counters instead.

"Taehyung, I didn't even know where I was laying down- or that I was laying down! You can ask the girl yourself that I got up when I realised!" Jeongguk desperately grabbed onto Taehyung's arm who once again pulled away, "Taehyung, why would I spend so much time trying to win you over just to cheat?"

"I don't know? Maybe because you're a sex addicted jerk that doesn't know anything but how to throw parties." Taehyung bitterly spat at Jeongguk and began to fill himself a glass of water.

Jeongguk swallowed down the hurt, "If you spoke to them, would you believe that I didn't sleep with anyone?"

"I don't know, I'm too tired to think about this. Please just leave me alone." Taehyung whimpered and dragged himself back up to the stairs.

Jeongguk helplessly watched, dropping his arms beside him with a painful sigh. No matter how hard he tried to explain himself, Taehyung wouldn't listen to him at all.

That was his last concern anyway, he cared more about Taehyung's wellbeing than anything. The boy said he didn't want to spiral again, but it seemed like he was from the way he was locking himself away and not eating or drinking.

Jeongguk began to grow afraid that he might do something stupid, he might take the pills inside again and it'll all be his fault. The idea made him want to throw up.

Just the thought of Taehyung moving out hurt, but imagining him leaving his life permanently was worse.

What do I do?

guys Ik this chap was short but down worry I'm spam updating rn so that u are satisfied 😋🐺

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