thirty seven.

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4 days later.

Nothing had changed. Neither of them had left the house to go their lectures; Taehyung wouldn't leave due to being afraid of seen as an idiot, and Jeongguk would refuse to leave Taehyung alone at home.

Jeongguk spent his days sitting outside of Taehyung's door waiting and then trying to push snacks beneath the crack of the door only to fail miserably. It did hurt Taehyung to see Jeongguk try so hard, so he decided to get out.

While the other boy had fallen outside of his door, he carefully left the house with a backpack over his shoulder to start his journey to the library.

Taehyung didn't miss the tear stains on Jeongguk's cheeks, and that made him doubt himself again.

Maybe he really didn't do anything with anyone. Am I being dramatic again? Maybe he wasn't lying about getting off when he realised what was happening. Taehyung thought to himself as he hopped onto his university bus, not in the mood to walk with his thoughts for so long.

Jeongguk flinched awake suddenly and sat up with a heavy push, he turned around to see that Taehyung's door was still shut which made him sigh.

"Taehyung, I'm sorry," he spoke, but received no reply.

Why the hell am I so stupid when I'm drunk? What the fuck actually happens? Jeongguk gripped onto the staircase and forced himself to go downstairs to the kitchen.

Once he arrived, he opened up the cabinets and took out some left over alcohol from all the parties he had thrown.

I'm gonna train myself, I'm gonna make sure I'll never do something stupid again. Jeongguk had the strange idea and opened up the bottles, taking large sips until his brain forced him to stop and gag.

Actually, I should just stop drinking if I'm so stupid. Jeongguk debated. But, what about when me and Taehyung are together? I want to drink with him.

So, Jeongguk continued to chug more and cough into his hand after.

"I'm not gonna be stupid this time," He muttered to himself.

Taehyung sighed when he arrived at the library. His heart beat began to race with fear when he stood in front of the large building full of many people. He made his way inside and scanned his card against the entry gates which opened up for him.

It was a huge building so he had some hope that no one would find him, he doubted that Jeongguk's friends even studied.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case when he reached the first floor where people did group studies. He spotted some girls from the pictures sitting together who instantly spotted him too and began whispering.

Taehyung quickly looked away and focused on finding a place to sit, but from the corner of his eyes he could see them approaching him.

"Hey, Taehyung?" A girl called out and awkwardly stood in front of him with other girls too.

"Yeah?" Taehyung quietly answered.

"I'm Hyejin, I'm Jeongguk's friend and I hosted the party last night," She began and looked around, "And, Jeongguk text me a few days telling me what happened between you guys and wanted me to tell you that nothing happened."


"I know it's not believable and you're probably thinking that I'm saying this just so you forgive him, but I swear he didn't cheat on you or anything. He got really drunk but these group of guys kept daring him to drink more and once he gets tipsy he doesn't stop- but anyways that's not my point."

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