twenty five.

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Taehyung stirred awake on his bed that now only had him rolling around on. He stretched his limbs to turn his alarm off and softly sighed in relief after getting all the tension built up in his body.

As he sat up, he took some time to notice the changes in his room. Although it was already quite clean before he left, the place looked extra look and smelt like cleaning chemicals too. Even his wardrobe that he left messy was neatly folded.

Did he...did he clean my room while I was gone? Taehyung dragged himself out of bed and placed a hand against his aching stomach. He decided to quickly get changed and brush his teeth so that he could finally have a meal and regain his energy.

He made his way to the empty bathroom first, purposefully not looking into Jeongguk's room as he didn't want his mood to be ruined early in the morning.

Once he had washed his face and was dressed in something more suitable for his class, he made his way downstairs again.

Fuck sake. Taehyung thought when he spotted Jeongguk sitting at the kitchen table with a bag on the table and two bowls of cereal.

"Morning," Jeongguk forced a smile at Taehyung who awkwardly did the same and sat down, "How was it back at your hometown?"

"Good," Taehyung mumbled and stared at the cereal in front of him. He was starving, but he didn't want to eat in front of someone that was probably gonna annoy him into something.

"I'm really sorry about-"

"Don't, it's too early. Just forget about it." Taehyung sighed and took out his phone to check the time, "I'm leaving early today, so I won't walk with you."

"Okay," Jeongguk swallowed down the sadness creeping up inside of him, "I got you something."

"What?" Taehyung curiously watched Jeongguk pull out a large bunny plushie and an Lana Del Rey vinyl.

"I got these for you, I know you won't let me say that I'm s word so I'll try show it instead," Jeongguk placed them down in front of the wide eyed Taehyung.

"Oh," Taehyung breathed out, heart already pounding at the idea of Jeongguk doing something generous. This is actually cute what the fuck?

"Do you like them?"

"Yeah, thanks," Taehyung smiled at the boy. I don't wanna trust him too much, he's gonna have to do better.

Jeongguk frowned when Taehyung stood up without touching his breakfast nor taking the gifts with him, "Where are you going? It's only 7:40?"

"I know, I just wanna get there early to make sure my essay looks good." Taehyung stood up without looking at Jeongguk who began to sulk.

Is he gonna avoid me forever? Jeongguk watched Taehyung make his way back to his room to collect his backpack and then come back down.

"Bye, see you tonight." Taehyung quietly said and shortly left the house.

Jeongguk helplessly sighed and stood up, he had nothing else to do so he decided to head to university too. He wasn't going follow Taehyung around of course, although dumb he got the idea quite fast that Taehyung still didn't want to speak to him.

He dragged his feet up to his room and lazily kicked his room open. A gasp left him when he saw that he hadn't given the bouquet of roses that he especially bought for Taehyung.

Shit! I need to give those to him- what if they convince him?! Jeongguk ran to his bed and picked up the flowers. He didn't even bother taking his backpack since he was too focused on getting back to Taehyung.

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