twenty two.

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Jeongguk shook awake to something being dropped in Taehyung's room, the first thing he processed was the pounding headache and then the nausea. It had him running out of his room and towards the toilet with a hand against his aching stomach.

Within seconds after hunching over the toilet he threw up. He gripped onto the sink beside it tightly and continued throw up anything he had consumed last night within a matter of five minutes.

It was horrible, but he felt much more awake and better after. He took same time to breathe and register what had happened before he started thinking back to last night's events.

Taehyung sniffled as he picked up his phone that he had accidentally knocked off the bed for the second time and tossed it beside his backpack. It was hard to pack properly when he was on the verge of crying.

I'm being dramatic, stop crying about it.

Taehyung looked up at the ceiling with tired eyes and watched it spin until he looked back down at his stuffed backpack. He helplessly sat down and hiccuped, he felt pathetic for crying over something that had happened hours ago and he had lost sleep over.

But he didn't need to argue with me, I was just getting closer to him- that shit hurt more. He's not the best but he could've defended me.

Taehyung wiped his eyes and silently hiccuped again. Gosh, I can't stop thinking about the past- it's almost been two years why can't I get over it?

Jeongguk spat out his toothpaste and looked up at his reflection in the mirror. Shit, what the fuck have I done?

He hurriedly rinsed his mouth and washed his face with a sinking feeling in his stomach that continued to grow. He didn't even bother to dry his face and hands after, he had to see Taehyung right that second.

Jeongguk jogged up the boys room with a pounding heart. He knocked on the door a couple of times before slightly pushing it open and peaking in.

Taehyung paid him no attention and instead had his phone against his ear and silent tears pouring out.

"What do you mean you're going on a business trip? Mum, you said I could come visit." Taehyung's voice shook.

He's leaving today? Why didn't he tell me sooner? Jeongguk frowned and listened in on the conversation.

"No I wanna come now- can I please come anyway? Just leave a spare key for me please." Taehyung begged the woman and sucked in a sob, "No! I'm fine! I'm not crying- uni was just really hard and stressful so I really want to come back this week. Can I please come back?"

Jeongguk began to beg that the woman would say no and he's get to apologise to Taehyung and spend the week off making it up for it. However, all his hope was shattered when a sad smile cracked on Taehyung's face.

"Okay, thanks, bye." Taehyung quickly ended the call and tossed the phone back onto the bed. He quickly wiped his face and turned to the door which opened seconds later.

"You're leaving? Why didn't you tell me?" Jeongguk worriedly asked, hurt written all over his face although he knew he had no right to be.

Taehyung just shrugged, body jerking at every hiccup that tried to escape.

"Taehyung, about last night." Jeongguk bit down on his bottom lip and struggled to from the right words as he had never apologised in his life before, "I'm really sorry, I shou-"

"It's fine, forget about it I was just being dramatic." Taehyung bitterly stated and stood up. He zipped up his backpack after ensuring everything was inside and he was ready to leave the place.

Jeongguk's throat ran dry when he saw a tear escape Taehyung's eye as he walked toward the door with his eyes casted down.

"No, Taehyung wait." Jeongguk stopped the boy by placing his hands around his biceps, "I'm really sorry, I should've stopped them and said something-"

"God, just shut up." Taehyung pried away from Jeongguk's grip and angrily glared at him, "I don't understand how you can be such a dickhead when you're drunk? Why do people-" he let out a shaky exhale, "Why do people become so horrible to me when they're drunk?"

"Taehyung," Jeongguk softly called out for the boy with sad eyes and low shoulders, "I really didn't mean-"

"So where did all those words come from? I'm sorry if I was being dramatic, I'm sorry if I was being bitchy and annoying but I hate it when anyone forces me to do things I don't like. I hate your friends and I hate how they were tryna make me look like an idiot," Taehyung bit down on his bottom lip and hiccuped.

Jeongguk's stomach hurt in a strange way from seeing Taehyung cry because of him. He hated it, he hated every second of it and he desperately wanted to make Taehyung feel better.

"You weren't, Taehyung you weren't being dramatic I was just-" Jeongguk paused not being able to describe anything properly. He was far too distracted by how much more worse Taehyung's state was getting.

"Forget the argument, why did you guys do that to me anyway? Why do people want to hurt me so much? Am I really that annoying? That unlikable?" Taehyung sobbed, wiping his uncontrollable tears with the back of his hands.

"No Taehyung, you're not any of those things. People are just stupid-"

"I know I don't like to party with you guys and get drunk, but I have my own personal reasons. Maybe if you just took some time to listen I'd tell you, but you genuinely just hate me so much."

Jeongguk's eyes widened at that, "I don't hate you- Taehyung I swear I don't hate you!"

"Right yeah, that's what I should believe after you call me a sensitive bitch and embarrass me in front of all your friends." Taehyung roughly shoved past Jeongguk who stumbled back at the force, "I'm gonna go, I'll see you after the holidays."

"Taehyung, Taehyung wait we should talk before you leave!" Jeongguk chased after the boy, however he was pushed away again much more rougher this time.

"I don't wanna talk to you alright?! Just leave me alone!" Taehyung yelled at the boy once he stopped in front of the door, "Just let me have a week long break from your bullshit."

"Tae-" Jeongguk flinched when the door slammed shut in his face and Taehyung disappeared from his sight completely.

A pang hit his chest and his breathing began to pick up, never in his life had ever felt such a strong feeling of guilt and regret.

What the hell do I do?

Finally a short chap 😂🙏 last chap was 3500 words 💀💀 dw guys I love long chaps but sadly they won't be long until they reunite 😛

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