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"He was so irritating! This morning he kept telling me about how he's gonna smash this one girl because he likes the way she laughs around him and bites her lip or something," Taehyung angrily took a bite out of his food, swaying on his stool due to the amount of annoyance trapped inside of him.

"Maybe he's just really into sex because he's a sex God so it's really nice for him," Hoseok felt bad that his best friend had been given such a roommate, but then he found it entertaining that the boy was getting so worked up.

"Sex God? No, a sex addict and a jerk. It's all thinks and talks about, how did he even get into university? He probably wrote an essay about sex or something." Taehyung put down his sandwich roughy and shoved it towards Hoseok indicating that he no longer wanted to eat it.

"I'm telling you son, you need to get to know him a little first, maybe you two have a lot in common." Hoseok began to eat the boys sandwich himself and frowned, "Why the hell does your sandwich taste better than mine? It's the same one?"

"Mine's got more butter," Taehyung replied, "But, anyways, no. There is nothing else inside of him than sex, you could probably ask him what his favourite colour is and he'd say cock."

"He's gay?"

"Don't think so, he only talks about girls," Taehyung looked past Hoseok and suddenly kicked the boy, "Look, look there he is."

"Huh?" Hoseok turned around slowly and spotted the boy easily. That was because he had an insane amount of girls sitting with him and a few boys who he guessed were his friends, "Oh wow. Oh wow wow."

"I know, it's insane," Taehyung whispered and shortly laughed, "What's so special about him that he has that many girls all over him?"

"No for real, he is cute but the personality description I got from you makes me think twice," Hoseok tutted and shamelessly judged the younger, "I bet he's hooking up with her soon, look at how he's staring at the poor girl,"

"No, it's gonna be the girl next to him. He's got her arm around her shoulder and she's all cuddled up beside him," Taehyung hated the fact that Jeongguk, the most annoying person he had met so far, was being treated like some saint.

"Whatever, just try to ignore it. It's not like he's done anything major to make you upset, he's just really irritating," Hoseok advised the boy who hummed in agreement. The boy was right, Jeongguk mainly just spoke nonsense and ate his snacks.

"Let's go to class now, can't believe we only need to come in for three days how lucky are we?" Taehyung squealed and picked up his backpack in time with Hoseok who did the same.

"I know, just for a few hours too- and afternoon class tomorrow, fuck I'm so grateful," Hoseok praised the lord and excitedly walked beside Taehyung who laughed at his actions.

"We'll probably start dying with work soon," Taehyung sighed at the thought of the work load and Hoseok did too.

Their loud signing stopped when they heard jogging behind them and someone yell a deep 'yo.'

"Dude wait, can I borrow your keys? I forgot to bring mine again and I gotta go home," Jeongguk held a hand out and waited for Taehyung to give him the keys.

"Don't you have a class to be at?" Taehyung suspiciously raised his eyebrows whilst taking out the keys from his right pocket.

"Nah I only had an hour today, I'm gonna go home with a girl," Jeongguk smirked and quickly took the keys from Taehyung's hands, "Thanks, see ya tonight,"

"Wait don't-" Taehyung didn't have time to finish his sentence as Jeongguk ran off again and back to some random girl, "Share snacks with her."

"Poor thing," Hoseok frowned and caressed Taehyung's back, "I'll buy you some,"

"Thank you," Taehyung huffed and continued to walk back to their classroom with a dejected face, "What if they fuck in my room?"

"Probably will, with a sex drive like his I won't surprised if he does it in every room of the house," Hoseok shuddered in disgust and so did Taehyung.

"That's disgusting stop, I hope not," Taehyung was silently begging the universe to put some decency inside of Jeongguk.

After an hour, their class was over and it was time for the two to part. Taehyung lived twenty minutes away from Hoseok by walking which was a blessing. He could visit any time he wanted to.

It had begun to rain too, adding onto the depressed mood Taehyung had developed due to the idea of going home and being met with Jeongguk along with all his food gone.

I'm so hungry too, I'm in the mood for ramen. Taehyung huffed and let his eyes flicker due to the rain drops falling harshly on his face. He groaned as the wind pushed him back and made him walk slower.

The sudden weather switch up annoyed him since all of his plans were now cancelled and he had to stay home. He just hoped it wouldn't thunder any time soon.

After another few minutes of walking, he finally arrived at their shared house and he began to ring the doorbell.

No answer.

You've got to be kidding me.

Taehyung loudly pounded his fists against the door and rang the doorbell again, yet he was met by silence.

"Fuck, I don't even have your number," Taehyung groaned loudly and kicked the door, he wasn't sure if Jeongguk was even home. He stepped away from the door and leaked through the window which had a slight view since the curtains weren't closed properly.

The lights inside were on meaning that Jeongguk was inside.

"Fuck open up!" Taehyung rang the doorbell even more, "I hope this is cockblocking you!" He yelled as if the boy could hear him.

Once he realised he was pointless, he helplessly stepped away from the front door and angrily began to walk up the pavement. Rage was an understatement for what he was currently feeling.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and called up Hoseok who picked up fast.


"I fucking hate him!"


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