forty four.

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Taehyung tiredly sat at the dining table, shuffling on his chair uncomfortably and holding down his leg that would randomly shake. The two were currently eating breakfast after a long night, their shower in the morning also wasn't innocent thanks to Jeongguk.

The mentioned boy sat in front of Taehyung perfectly fine, munching on the cereal with a proud smile on his face and eyes staring at his pained boyfriend.

"How do you have that much energy?" Taehyung spoke up, looking up at Jeongguk who lifted his arms.

"Thanks these muscles and great stamina, you'll never be let down." Jeongguk flexed his muscles.

"I wish I would be." Taehyung mumbled and fi is finished off his cereal, "Are you done?"

"Yeah, are we leaving now? Or do you wanna turn it into an all day thing too?"

"Fuck no," Taehyung stood up with some struggle and picked up the bowls, glaring at Jeongguk who just had a cocky smile.

"What shop does he work at?" Jeongguk stood up and placed an arm around Taehyung, once again admiring the boys old house.

He mainly couldn't stop staring due to all the baby pictures of Taehyung around the place, and also it was much bigger than any house he had ever been in. He assumed his mother must've worked very hard to get them at a place like that since he recalled Taehyung saying he used to have no money.

"It's a mix of a candy shop and cafe, he sells candy but at the counter there's some cute bakery that he makes himself. Most people go for the food to be honest, he's probably gonna open up a bakery with his boyfriend."

"He sounds like a loser- ow!" Jeongguk laughed when Taehyung hit him, "I was just joking!"

"You're not funny," Taehyung put on some shoes and opened the front door, making sure to grab the only set of keys before taking off.

"Is it far?"

"Yeah, so carry me there, I'm too tired," Taehyung pushed Jeongguk who fell onto his knees, allowing Taehyung to climb onto his back, "Walk straight for 5 minutes."

"Am I a taxi driver now?"

"Yeah, drive quietly," Taehyung yawned, holding onto Jeongguk tight and bouncing a little at every step.

"You're more tired because you don't eat enough, I'm gonna start putting you on a diet."

"A diet? Are you calling me fat?"

"What?! No I just said you don't eat enough!"

"Calm down," Taehyung laughed, "Turn left and walk for 10 minutes."

"Fucking hell this guys far." Jeongguk huffed and hoisted Taehyung up a little.

As they walked, Jeongguk thought back to what Hoseok had told him about Taehyung's friend. It made jealousy rise before he even saw the man.

Hoseok was probably lying to fuck with me. Jeongguk told himself, walking silently in the direction Taehyung was telling him to.

"Okay, put me down we're here." Taehyung patted Jeongguk's back who knelt down and let the boy step off, "Don't be weird or freak him out."

"Damn okay, who is he? The king?" Jeongguk scoffed and crossed his arms, frowning when Taehyung didn't answer but instead stepped into the shop with a wide grin.

"Taehyung!" Namjoon loudly called out, greeting the boy with a tight hug just as Hoseok had told Jeongguk he does, "And who's this?"

"Oh, this is my roommate Jeongguk!" Taehyung introduced the boy who gave an awkward smile, clearly not happy with how Namjoon was holding his boyfriend.

"And?" Jeongguk raised an eyebrow at Taehyung who sighed.

"And, he's my boyfriend." Taehyung added on, smiling when Namjoon gasped.

"It worked out?!"

"Wait what?" Jeongguk frowned.

"So, Jeongguk, what do you do? What are you doing in uni?" Namjoon asked the boy as he walked towards a shelf he had been sorting out with Taehyung following him too.

"Photography," Jeongguk answered, staying at the start of the shelf to look at all the sweets on display. How does one acquire so many sweets? He pondered and picked up some lollipops.

"He seems like a nice guy, but I'm still pissed after hearing about what happened last time?" Namjoon spoke more quietly and loudly restocked the shelves.

"I know, but we talked it out. He's changed so much since then it's really shocking it's the same person- well he did fuck up again but he's proved himself good again,"

"That's good then, I was worried he was just gonna get worse," Namjoon sighed and looked past Taehyung to see Jeongguk examining different types of sweets and shoving them into his pockets, "He's a little weird though?"

"Yeah, but he's a funny type of weird."

"Fair enough," Namjoon shrugged, "So, do you feel okay with dating him? You know, you struggled a lot with idea of bit before and basically swore you'd never talk to a man again."

Jeongguk stopped midway placing a packet of crisps under his shirt and carefully listened in on the conversation.

"Yeah I do, I was still scared at first and I am a little now but I trust him," Taehyung replied, bringing a smile onto Jeongguk's face.

And I'll keep it that way. Jeongguk picked up another sweet which seemed American and stared at him amused. Warhead spray? Woah, I've never tried it.

"I wanna know though, how did someone smart like you end up with such an idiot?" Namjoon pointed behind Taehyung who turned around.

Jeongguk unwrapped the spray, looking at with interest and brought close up to his face. With very little thought, he pressed down on the tip and began to scream, "My eyes! Taehyung help me it's in my fucking eyes!"

Taehyung watched him stumble about and wipe his face, frowning at the boy's stupidity and turn back to Namjoon who held in laughter.

"Fuck knows."

guys this book is the perfect book to finish... I stared it during my last year of sixth form and now I'm finishing it a week before I start uni and it's ending with tae reminiscing his life in the past aka my life during my time here 😢

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