thirty five.

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Jeongguk stirred awake, sitting up on a bed he knew wasn't his due to how much space he had to roll around. His eyes began to adjust to the room and looked around with a confused face, it was empty and no one was beside him.

But, his shirt was off and there were scratches on his neck and chest.

Shit, Taehyung. In a state of panic, he grabbed his clothes that were folded on the bedside table and ran to the door. The house he was in was entirely a mess, he was grateful that he wasn't the one who threw the party.

He came to stop when he saw a girl standing in the kitchen chugging down some water, most likely to cure her hangover.

"Why the fuck are you still here?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I-I don't know! Why am I still here?! Why am I naked?!"

"Calm down, I don't know why you're still here and why you're naked, all I know a fight broke out between you and some random guy but you were both drunk so it was literally the most embarrassing fight either."

Jeongguk sighed in relief, "So I didn't sleep with anyone?"

"You think I'd let people get freakt in my house? That shits nasty." The girl shot him a disgusted look and shuddered, "Your boyfriend was calling a bunch last night, I don't think he's gonna be happy about what he saw."

Jeongguk's eyes widened, tapping his trousers for his phone that was most likely dead. So, he quickly put on his phone and began to run to the door.

"Bye!" He made sure to tell before bolting down the street without any shoes on, they were the last of his concerns. Even his clothes were inside out and the wrong way round, but he didn't care.

I've fucked up, I've fucked up so bad. Jeongguk cursed at himself, running as fast as he could back home. He could only imagine what Taehyung was thinking and his was dreading finding out what the boy had seen from last night.

Jeongguk knew he hadn't "cheated" on Taehyung since even when drunk, he was smart enough to sleep with people. That was a thing he only ever did sober. But, he knew that he did get stupid and too friendly which often seemed inviting or flirtatious.

He's not gonna believe me, I've fucked up so bad. Jeongguk felt like crying, but he sucked it in and focused on arriving home as fast as he could.

He did after God knows how many minutes of running against the slightly damp ground with his bare feet. But, once again he didn't care about that at all.

Keys, where are my keys. Jeongguk tapped his trousers that were inside out, but thankfully he could feel them inside the pockets. He stuck his hands down his trousers and fished them out before quickly unlocking the door.

The first thing he's eyes set upon were Taehyung's shoes placed neatly on a shoe rack. That didn't make him any better, all he could imagine was the boy sadly putting them back in place after his date stood him up.

"Taehyung?" Jeongguk called out with a shaky voice and jogged up the stairs. He could see that the boys room door was left open so he invited himself inside.

Taehyung was beneath the covers shivering, back turned from the door even when Jeongguk constantly called out his name. He kept his eyes shut anyway, unleashing hot tears from below the covers

"Taehyung," Jeongguk sat down beside him and shook his frame lightly, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for not answering your calls I just got out of control- I swear nothing happened that night, I don't know what you saw but-"

Taehyung suddenly sat up and grabbed his phone, chucking it at Jeongguk once he opened the images he was shown, "Would you think the same if you saw this?"

Jeongguk gripped onto the phone tight and looked up at Taehyung with guilt, "Tae, I know it looks unbelievable but I-"

"I know we aren't dating, but you genuinely made me feel so loved. That same night I was thinking about how I wanted you to be the one I date after going through so much- Jeongguk I told you my deepest struggle just 2 days ago because you showed me that you genuinely cared- what the hell changed?"

"Tae, I know but I swear I didn't sleep with anyone! I didn't do anything with any girl, I know I fucked up by getting too close with all those people in the pictures but that's all that happened!"

"Yeah and that's showed me how serious you are about us two," Taehyung sarcastically replied and slowly began to let out sobs, "I don't understand why you'd put me through this after I told you what I went through, after I told you I wouldn't be able to handle all this, a-after I told you I still struggle with my emotions."

Jeongguk reached out for Taehyung but the younger shoved him away, "I know, I'm sorry but I really did mean it when I said I care about you. I don't want you to struggle with anything," he couldn't help but let tears stream out of his own eyes.

"I don't care anymore, I don't want anything to do with you. I don't want there to be us, even as roommates," Taehyung hiccuped, "I'm gonna move out, I don't want to spiral again, I know I won't survive this time."

"What?" Jeongguk felt a pang in his chest, "No- Taehyung please don't go, I'm sorry I'll do whatever to make it up to you- please don't go." He begged, now also crying.

"You're so pathetic," Taehyung spat at him, "Get out of my room, don't even look at me until I move out. After I leave, we're strangers again."

"No." Jeongguk shook his head and wiped his face, "No, I'm not letting you leave and I'm not gonna leave you alone either, I'm gonna make it up to you and I'm not-"

"If you don't get out right now, I'll leave myself and never come back." Taehyung glared at the boy and hiccuped.

Jeongguk hesitated, but he stood up just so that Taehyung wouldn't leave so soon, "I'll go now, but I mean it when I say I'm not gonna let you go. I'll make it up to you, I swear I will."

"Stop talking and just get out." Taehyung spoke with a clenched jaw, letting it relax and more sobs pour out when Jeongguk finally left him alone.

I'm so stupid.

Guys in the 2018 version of jerk taehyung actually killed himself cus he got into an argument with jeongguk how crazy is that it would be really crazy if it happened in this one but it won't

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