thirty three.

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The two ended up drinking so more until late and they decided to eat too, and Jeongguk had gotten drunk this time too. It wasn't as bad as Taehyung who wouldn't stop blabbering about whatever and trying persuade Jeongguk to go out.

Before the two could head out, they ended up making their way to Taehyung's room and collapsing on the bed. But, it wasn't as adorable and romantic as Jeongguk had wished it would be. There was something getting in the way.

All of Taehyung's stupid plushies.

God did Jeongguk hate it, especially as it was now separating him from Taehyung's slender arms as the boy slept peacefully in his bed. It annoyed him so damn bad, he wanted Taehyung asleep in his embrace, in his bed and because of him. Not some stupid toys.

It ended up waking Jeongguk earlier than he hoped because it was impossible for him to sleep now without Taehyung laying on top of him. He ended up just standing there and glaring at the toys.

Jeongguk snapped his head away when Taehyung suddenly sat up, some hope filled him thinking that the boy would place them where they belonged and snuggle up beside him. But, the younger just quietly got up and made his way towards the toilet. Jeongguk got up too, except he grabbed every single bunny with an annoyed face.

So ugly and pathetic, no one fucking likes you. Jeongguk violently shook the bunnies and chucked them about, throwing some onto the floor too.

"What the fuck is wrong with you ?" Taehyung's voice causes him to scream and turn around.

"Thought they were spiders." Jeongguk not so smoothly lied and crawled under the covers again, "Are you going back to bed?"

"Yeah, I'll study later." Taehyung rubbed his eyes and adorably dragged his feet back to the bed.

What an actual weirdo. Taehyung quietly judged the boy before sitting down on his bed again. He pouted when he saw the bunnies on the floor which made him feel bad since most of them were gifts. So, he bent over the bed and began to reach for as many as he could.

Jeongguk's sat there again, glaring at his beloved plushies. It made him frown and hide them under the covers protective, Jeongguk genuinely looks like he'd rip them into shreds if Taehyung left them unattended for even a second.

"Why the fuck do you have those stupid things? You're not 12." Jeongguk asked, eyes still set on the same thing.

"Hoseok gave one as a gift and said I should start collecting for fun, so we always give each other bunnies for any birthday or Christmas."

"That's fucking stupid and cringe, don't ever let him give you a gift again." Jeongguk finally looked away to Taehyung threw a plushie at him angrily and missed, "You have a whole sexy man willing to give you some dick and money as a gift," he pointed at himself with a smirk.

"What money? Your student finance? You're unemployed you dumbass," He spat before laying down again.

"Ouch," Jeongguk wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist who whined and tried to escape.

"Stop holding me, it's weird."

"How can you say that when you were making out on my lap last night."

"I was a different person back then, I'm a new man now."

"Shut up."

"Ew stop talking, your breath stinks." Taehyung tutted and turned away from Jeongguk who purposefully sat up and blew on his face, "Stop it!"

"Loser." Jeongguk laid back down, still holding Taehyung who didn't complain this time. "Wait turn around, it's important."

Taehyung sighed and turned around, pinching his nose shut to purposefully piss Jeongguk off. It worked, and soon his hand was yanked away from his face.

What he didn't expect was for Jeongguk to roughly grab his face and start repeatedly kissing him,

"Hey- wh- hey!" Taehyung tried to move away, "What are you-"

"89, 87," Jeongguk pulled away to catch up on his breath, "Why did you have to say 100 more?"

Taehyung smirked, "To make it harder for you."

"Personally, I think it's more of a reward than anything. I get to kiss you a hundred more times and then you become my boyfriend, this isn't hard." Jeongguk leaned forward again but was stopped by Taehyung.

"That's if I let you," Taehyung mischievously smiled, giggling when Jeongguk crawled on top of him and pinned his hands above his head.

"I'd ditch those studying plans if I were you." Jeongguk began to kiss him again, but Taehyung kept turning his head away.

"Stop, I haven't brushed my teeth this is disgusting."

"My dicks been in your mouth, this should-"

"Ew are you say your dicks dirt-"


"My ears!" Taehyung whined, "Get off!"

Jeongguk rolled off of him and sighed, once again wrapping his arms around his slim waist, "What are you doing after your test?"

"Probably hanging out with Hoseok, why?" Taehyung stared at him with doe eyes, unable to control his smile after all the kissing.

"How about we go out at night? We should go to the city together and visit a museum or some gay shit."

"Don't say gay shit."

"My bad, gay shit."

"Jerk." Taehyung scoffed and smacked his arm, "What museum?"

"Actually I really hate museums because I have to walk around and pretend I give a shit. Why don't we watch a movie and then you can give me a hand-"

"Don't finish that sentence." Taehyung glared at Jeongguk who laughed.

"Okay, let's go to some museum and we can a little romantic dinner like we're an old married couple. That way, I can manifest it." Jeongguk brushed Taehyung's hair out of his face and fondly smiled at him.

"I'd like that."

I wouldn't 😕 I'd like some future plans ruining angst 😂☝️🐺😏

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