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two days later.

Taehyung grumbled as he turned on his bed, twisting his body in unnatural ways to stretch out his stiff limbs. A shriek left him when his upper half body suddenly had nothing supporting it.

"Shit!" He dangled upside down, steadying himself by placing the palms of his hand against the light floorboards of his room. With a hard push he swiftly sat up on the bed again and scratched his neck tiredly.

Hoseok laid on top of his legs upside and vertically— it made him wonder how on earth he ended up sleeping horizontally and off the bed.

"What time is it?" Hoseok rasped out, shuffling on the bed and wrapping his hands around Taehyung's feet.

"11 am," Taehyung cringed at the dry feeling in his mouth and put his phone down. He pulled his legs out from underneath his best friend and kicked him repeatedly, "Get up, you need to leave,"

"5 more minutes," Hoseok whined and rolled around. Taehyung only to kick him until he was thrown off the bed, "Son of a bitch!"

"Can you not be so loud 11 in the morning? I like to have a positive start to my day," Taehyung stressfully massaged his temples and watched the latter help himself up and plop himself onto the messy bed.

Hoseok stared at him fed up and with the most extreme case of bed hair Taehyung had seen, "I hope you have a horrible day,"

Taehyung scoffed and raised a middle finger slowly, "I'm using the bathroom first, clean the room whilst I'm gone,"

"You shouldn't tell your guests to clean," Hosoek shot him a glare cleaning the room regardless. It wasn't that much of a mess — well in his opinion at least.

Bottles and shot glasses were scarred all over the floor and there were a few clothes left around since he had crashed over and didn't want to take over Taehyung's closet.

Taehyung yawned quietly whilst brushing his teeth, scratching a red spot that had formed right below a mole on his cheek. He stared at himself in the mirror with a tired look and then let his gaze flicker down to the cup that held toothbrushes and toothpaste.

I wonder what time he's arriving. Taehyung placed a hand on his hip and took his time to admire the nature themed bathroom. The walls were a soothing cream colour that was complemented with green fake plants in the corners. His favourite was the bathtub that had new unused candles around it.

She really put a lot of effort into this. Taehyung bent over and spat out his toothpaste, rinsing his mouth with some mouthwash and water. Once he had finished washing his face with his favourite face wash he made his way back to his room.

Surprisingly Hoseok had done a great job at cleaning and was sitting dressed on his phone bored.

"When's your roommate coming?" Hoseok stood up and picked up his own toothbrush from the bedside table and let out a loud moan whilst stretching.

"I don't know, I'm kinda nervous- what if he's weird? Or boring? Or a criminal?" Taehyung slipped off his top to change into some more presentable clothes.

"He's probably just some regular guy like us, just become friends with him and then see if we can become a trio," Hoseok spoke whilst leaving Taehyung's room to brush his teeth, "Just pray he has good hygiene because you're sharing bathrooms,"

Shit, he's right. Taehyung made a horrified face and paused whilst pulling his pants up. What if he's actually really old too and my mum just mixed up 19 with 91?!

Taehyung snapped out of his thoughts when his phone began to buzz twice, he quickly pulled his trousers up and ran over to his desk to read the messages.

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