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Taehyung stretched his arms, massaging his back and dragging his feet back to his house. Just as Jeongguk had suggested, he had actually spent the night out on the streets.

Well not exactly the streets, Taehyung couldn't remember most of what he done during the night. All he remembered was roaming around and eating for a bit, then studying in a library until Hoseok saying that he's heading back home and Taehyung could crash over.

Unfortunately, Taehyung couldn't crash over because he had realised that they had morning classes and had to run back home to prepare himself for the lecture.

Maybe I should just take the day off and nap? Taehyung chewed on his bottom lip as he unlocked the door, no it's only our second or third week, it'll be really lazy of me to take a day off so soon. I can nap after, it's only two hours.

Taehyung nodded to himself and pushed open the door, gasping when all he saw on the floor was plastic cups, plastic wrappers, food, earrings, a shoe, and what he hoped wasn't a condom packet.

It was everywhere and by everywhere including the kitchen, living room, and stairs. He couldn't imagine how bad it must be upstairs.

MY ROOM! Taehyung's eyes widened and he immediately ran up the stairs, almost letting out a scream when he stepped on a plastic cup that sent him flying back. He grabbed onto the staircase tightly and regained his posture.

"What the fuck?!" He gasped the second he stepped inside, his entire room trashed everywhere and a weird stain on his bedsheet.

He didn't know if it was because he was tired, or because the stain sent him back, but the frustration in his chest made it hard to breathe and tears brimmed his eyes.

Taehyung wasted no time stomping to Jeongguk's room, practically kicking the door open, "Clean my fucking room!"

"Oh my god, shut up," Jeongguk groaned, moving on his bed and wrapping his arms around a body next to him.

"No! You just fucking trashed the entire house- my room is a complete mess too, I have no where to sleep and you have the fucking audacity to-"

"Taehyung shut the fuck up, it's too early for this," Jeongguk groaned, "I'll clean it up later,"

Taehyung let out a shaky exhale, stepped out of the door with a scrunched up face and back into his room. He felt sick staring at it, specifically his bed.

Eventually, he had to leave the room and take out his phone to call Hoseok with tears pooling at his lashes. He stepped outside of his house and sat down on the step outside of the door.

"Hello?" Hoseok spoke on the other end confused since he had seen the boy just thirty minutes ago.

"Hoseok," Taehyung whimpered, "I don't know if I'm being dramatic but my room is- my room is just such- a mess and,"

"Slow down and take a deep breath, I don't know what you're saying,"

"Basically," Taehyung sniffled and wiped his eyes, "I came home just now and the entire place is trashed, my room is so messy and- there's stuff on my bed and it's reminding me of things,"

"Shit Tae, are you still there? I'm outside right now getting some food I'll run over,"

"I'm sitting outside," Taehyung wiped his nose.

"Did you talk to that prick?"

"I yelled at him but he just told me to shut up and went back to cuddling some girl," Taehyung replied, staring at the floor with tired eyes.

"What the fuck? You know I thought he was a funny jerk, but this is just insanely horrible. He's a self centred cunt who thinks he lives alone,"

"I know," Taehyung hiccuped, "I feel like I'm being dramatic though,"

"What? No. If it's about your room, it's perfectly normal. Your room is supposed be your safe place from everything and you've put a lot of care into it, on top of that you only have two hours of sleep so of course you're going to be even more upset,"

Taehyung nodded even though Hoseok couldn't see him, "What do I do? I don't want to clean it,"

"The fuck? Obviously don't! Just take the day off today and sleep at mine. You're only missing two hours. I'm walking towards you right now and I'll walk you back to mine,"

Taehyung looked up to see if he could spot Hoseok, "But it's still the beginning of term, I don't want to already take a day off,"

"I'll take one off with you, plus you're not the only one taking a day off today, there's people who have appointments today or people who broke a limb- plus Jeongguk's probably not gonna come in either,"

"Okay, thank you," Taehyung felt more at ease.

Jeongguk let out a yawn and slowly sat up, glancing at the time to see that it was now midday. He wasn't too bothered about missing his class since he found it easy and they mainly had to work on their own assignments.

He turned his head towards the girl who had helped herself to one of her hoodies and was tying up her blue hair back.

"You wanna go out for lunch?" Jeongguk asked with a raspy voice.

"No, I need to tell my boyfriend I just cheated on him," She mumbled whilst hopping and putting socks on, "Let's forget this happened, and you should deal with your annoying roommate who was screaming five in the morning,"

Jeongguk just rolled his eyes and stood up, not caring that he wasn't wearing any boxers, "Bye," he murmured as the girl showed herself out.

What was he even saying this morning anyway? Jeongguk wondered as he picked out some clean boxers and put them on before heading towards the bathroom.

"Oh gross," He groaned when he saw all the mess from the party. So that's what he was crying about?

Jeongguk gagged as he lifted the toilet seat with his foot and covered his mouth from the smell of vomit that hadn't been flushed properly. He had no choice but to pick up some gloves and clean the bathroom otherwise he would've had to pee outside.

I'll clean the rest later.

sorry short chap I'm tryna get the days to pass in this book ☠️

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