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Jeongguk chewed on his bottom lip while laying beside Taehyung who was snorting softly beside him, legs still occasionally twitching or shaking which created a sense of pride in Jeongguk.

He couldn't forget how beautiful Taehyung looked when he was full under his control and chanting his name over and over again in pleasure, he wanted to see it again.

But the current sight was pretty too. The way Taehyung was deep in sleep and looked so cute due to his puffy face and the slight pout on his lips. You almost couldn't tell me what the cause of such an exhausted state was if he wasn't naked and pressed up against Jeongguk.

Jeongguk pecked the boys lips which accidentally woke the sleeping boy up, his pretty lashes fluttered open and doe eyes stared back up at Jeongguk kissed him again.

"Stop." Taehyung whined and placed his hand against Jeongguk's bare chest that vibrated as Jeongguk laughed.

"Are we gonna stay like this?" Jeongguk asked, eyes full of hope.

"I'm not missing another lecture." Taehyung managed to sit up but wince when a sharp pain shot up his lower back.

"Sorry." Jeongguk smirked and watched Taehyung shake as he crawled out of bed which made him laugh, "Wow, what a view."

"Stop staring, it's embarrassing." Taehyung whined and left Jeongguk's room with nothing but a t-shirt around his hips to cover himself a little.

Taehyung nervously walked over to his room to get some clothes and then towards the bathroom. I hope he doesn't leave me now.

"Here, I'll help." Jeongguk stepped outside wearing some boxers and also had his own clothes over his shoulder. He snaked an arm around his bare waist and supported him to the bathroom.

"Thanks." Taehyung whispered against his shoulder and decided to shower before brushing his teeth.

The two ended up showering together which surprisingly didn't turn sexual. Jeongguk actually peppered Taehyung's back with kisses and helped him massage his shampoo in before doing his own hair too. It made Taehyung fall even harder for him.

They then left the house in some fresh clean clothes, bumping into each other as they shyly walked towards their university and let their hands brush against each other.

I don't want to go university after yesterday, I want to spend time with him. Jeongguk thought to himself with a frown. And I need to ask him to by my boyfriend right now before he changes his mind.

Taehyung yelped when Jeongguk suddenly grabbed him by his arm and started dragging him to a completely different direction from the university. They walked behind a bunch of houses and trees until they were on an unfamiliar road.

"What the hell are you doing?" Taehyung stumbled behind Jeongguk who cursed when he realised that he dragged Taehyung to some empty playground instead of a pretty park.

How do I ask him out?! I'm gonna have to firm it, he might not want to go on a date after everything. Jeongguk began to panic.

"What are you-"

Jeongguk suddenly grabbed his face and pulled him into another kiss, "5." He whispered, and then connected his lips again, "!"

Taehyung stared at him puzzled and flustered, "Wh-"

"100! I've kissed you a hundred times now!" Jeongguk announced with a proud face, "Will you be my boyfriend now?" He smiled shyly, staring at Taehyung who was surprised.

"Yes." Taehyung laughed, squealing when Jeongguk threw himself onto him and engulfed him into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry for asking you out in such a random place." He spoke, forehead linked with Taehyung's who couldn't stop smiling and neither could he.

"It's fine, I think it suits your childish personality."

"Says the one with all those stupid plushies." Jeongguk scoffed playfully.

"Shut up," dickhead." Taehyung glared at Jeongguk only to fail due to all the happiness inside of him.

"You know how you said you'd never date me or ever kiss me or fancy me." Jeongguk smirked and slightly pulled away from Taehyung, arms still around him, "Does this mean I proved you wrong."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Yes." He sighed.

"So...does this mean you fancy me?"

"Oh my lord, shut up you fucking jerk."

Jeongguk laughed when Taehyung shoved him away and began to walk towards their university again, "Are we seriously going back to uni?!"

"You got any better plans?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow at Jeongguk who immediately nodded.

"Um yes? You on my lap with a movie on?"


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