twenty one.

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"Can you go home? I need to pack up," Hoseok crossed his arms at Taehyung who let out a huff and stood up from his bed, "What are you so scared about?"

"I don't know? Confronting the guy who's going around saying we're kissing and also is gonna make fun of my new hair?"

"It'll be fine, plus you need to go back home to pack your things too,"

"I'm leaving 2 days later though, I want to complete this holiday essay before leaving." Taehyung felt his heart grow warm at the idea of going back to his hometown, "I hope Namjoon hyung is still gonna be there, I think his boyfriend is visiting him from enlistment so he might be busy."

"You can meet both of them then." Hoseok smiled at the boy who nodded, "Wait so are you leaving tomorrow or the day after?"

"Tomorrow evening, I should be done with most of my essay by then and can relax on the train." Taehyung excitedly spoke.

When's he coming back? Jeongguk laid on his bed with a bored face, phone in one hand and the other down his pants. Can't even wank now.

He screamed when his phone suddenly buzzed in his hair causing him to drop it on his face roughly and accidentally click on another porn video. He turned it off immediately and picked it up.

"What do you want?" He asked with an annoyed voice.

"Wow, what a way to say hello to your own mother."

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, he didn't want to sit down and listen to his mother ask questions about university as he had better things to do (think about Taehyung).

"What do you want?"

"How's uni? Are you planning to come visit soon?"

"Nah, we don't have any holidays yet and it's fun, I'm class right now actually so I got to go," Jeongguk lied smoothly and rolled on his bed.

"Wait-" Before the woman could finish her sentence, Jeongguk hung up and chucked his phone to the side.

Just as he was about to go back to sleep, his phone began to buzz again which made him groan and pick it up.


"Yo Jeon, are you gonna throw a party tonight since we're finishing?"

"A party?" Jeongguk sat up, he wasn't fond partying either as he much rather he spent some time with Taehyung instead, "For what? It's not like we finished uni,"

"Yeah but we've finished a whole term, I think it calls for celebration."

"Yeah fine, I'll throw one." Jeongguk replied before finally ending the call.

This time, he was sure no one would call. He was hoping for it to be Taehyung even though he was sure the boy hated his guts. The only reason they even had each others numbers was for basic reasons such as forgetting keys.

However, this time instead of his phone ringing the sound of the door unlocking downstairs took over. Within a second Jeongguk was running out of his room and down the corridor towards the stairs, he had to slow down to make sure he didn't seem to excited.

Taehyung turned around from the door and jumped when Jeongguk was just a few inches away from him, "What the hell are you doing?"

Jeongguk's eyes first landed on Taehyung's new blonde hair, blood rushed to places it didn't need to due to how pretty the boy looked. He had to refrain himself from touching the boys hair or saying something weird as his new plan was to be nicer.

"Your hair looks nice." Jeongguk commented, coming off too blunt than he had wished.

"Thanks?" Taehyung answered a little surprised by Jeongguk's random compliment.

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