forty three.

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Jeongguk woke up due to low talking downstairs and the emptiness of the bed. He had snuck into Taehyung's room at night since he preferred squeezing onto a small bed with the boy than sleeping in a separate room.

He opened the room door and listened in on the conversation going on downstairs.

"Here, keep these keys, I'll be back before you two leave so I'll take them back then. I have no idea where I put the spare keys, I'll have to look for them when I come back."

"Okay, when's your ride coming?"

"Shit." Jeongguk rushed to put his clothes back and brush his teeth, he wanted to say goodbye to the woman before she left too to take make good impression.

"Bye!" Taehyung waved and shut the door, turning around to see Jeongguk running down and groaning, "What?"

"Why didn't you wake me up?!"

"Because we stayed up? I thought you'd wanna sleep in."

"No! I wanted to say bye so that I could make a good impression."

"It's fine, she liked you before I even did." Taehyung patted his shoulder as he walked past, stopping when Jeongguk tugged at his wrist and stood in front of the couch.

"Really? Why? Did you talk a lot about be? What did you say?" Jeongguk asked, standing close to Taehyung.

"Nothing good, so don't ask."

"Fine," Jeongguk rolled his eyes, "Finally we're alone now, I was so mad we couldn't do anything last night."

"Aren't you gonna get bored if we keeping doing this?" Taehyung tilted his head back anyway, allowing Jeongguk to kiss his neck.

"I don't think I'd ever get bored of you."

"Hey!" Taehyung gasped when Jeongguk sat down on the couch and yanked him down too onto his lap and nuzzled his face into the crook of Taehyung's neck.

"You're really cute, you know." Jeongguk kissed the boys neck smiling at how Taehyung lightly punched his arm. Jeongguk stopped and instead began leaving sweet and sinful kisses on Taehyung's neck.

Taehyung stood up briefly and switched his position so that he was straddling Jeongguk. The other smirked connecting their lips and squeezed Taehyung's perky butt, Taehyung let out a low moan tugging on Jeongguk's shirt that was wrinkled from the top due to it being chucked on the floor.

Jeongguk slipped down Taehyung's pants as the other grinded against him, he broke their kiss and pushed two fingers into Taehyung's mouth. He gave sweet hickies on the boys exposed neck.

"I didn't pack any lube, so it'll hurt more." Jeongguk whispered against Taehyung's ear and briefly pulled out his fingers, "Do you still wanna continue?"

"Yeah." Taehyung answered, jumping in surprise when Jeongguk's fingers were back in his mouth.

Jeongguk left more hickeys on him, loving how Taehyung's chest staggered with pleasure.

He pulled his fingers out and connected their lips once again, tugged down Taehyung's trousers boxers from behind and slowly slithered his hand down. Taehyung moaned when he felt a finger enter him, dropping his head when Jeongguk added another which hurt more.

"It's okay baby boy, it'll get better," Jeongguk spoke like the sweetly, Taehyung just moaned letting his head fall onto Jeongguk's neck when he had fully inserted two fingers.

Jeongguk sped up his pace and threw his head back as Taehyung squirmed on his lap and cried sinfully into his ears. The youngers pretty hands held onto his shoulders tightly, but then desperately held onto Jeongguk's face to kiss him.

Jeongguk grew impatient, it was hard when Taehyung was sitting on top of him moaning so prettily and bouncing a little, it just made him want to hurry up and wreck him. But, he didn't want to hurt Taehyung either so he controlled himself.

Taehyung moved back slightly and lowered his hands to Jeongguk's pants and pulled the boys boxers down, he wrapped his fairy like fingers around the boys shaft and pumped it.

Jeongguk let out a pleasurable chuckle, confused as to where Taehyung was getting the confidence to do such things, he wasn't complaining. Once Taehyung was used to his fingers he slipped them out, he couldn't wait any longer and neither could Taehyung who starting to grind against him.

Jeongguk carefully positioned himself against Taehyung who shuddered at the feeling, crying out as he slowly began to sink down.

"You okay?" Jeongguk asked and Taehyung nodded, soon enough he was slowly sinking down further onto Jeongguk, his eyes brimmed with tears as pain shot through his back until he was all the way down.

"I-it hurts," Taehyung's voice cracked as he let out a shaky moan, Jeongguk hummed massaging the boys ass and kissed his ear.

"It's okay," Jeongguk whispered nibbling on Taehyung's ear, he moaned when Taehyung began to slowly move himself up and down.

"Can you help me?" Taehyung asked shyly and Jeongguk smirked grabbing the boys waist and pushed him down so that his deeper inside.

Taehyung moaned loudly throwing his head back and his thighs trembled, he wanted to go faster and harder but he was too shy to ask. He was still visibly in pain, so Jeongguk wasn't going to grant his wishes any time soon.

Taehyung was whining, he wanted Jeongguk to ruin him again. He rolled his hips against Jeongguk impatiently, moaning at the feeling that sent though his body.

Luckily for him, Jeongguk felt the same way except he wasn't shy.

"Lemme know if I'm too rough," Jeongguk pecked his lips before thrusting into the boy a little faster. Taehyung bit his lip whimpering as the pleasure began to grow.

"Please, faster," Taehyung begged and Jeongguk smirked helping the boy bounce up and down roughly. Taehyung's eyes rolled to the back of his head as his legs began to shake and his lips became swollen from all the biting.

Taehyung gently moved Jeongguk's head to the side and left bright purple marks on the boys neck along with some scratches. He accidentally slipped out a broken moan when he felt Jeongguk hit his prostate.

Jeongguk pulled him into a kiss before delivering rough and sharp thrusts, he got annoyed the fact the couch was making noise and Taehyung was struggling to ride him due to immense pleasure. So, he picked the boy up and stood up.

Taehyung laid flat on the couch and his stomach looking back at Jeongguk with tearful and eager eyes. Jeongguk smiled lovingly at the boys adorable yet wrecked face and began to thrust again.

Taehyung whined and whimpered as Jeongguk hit his prostate repeatedly, his voice cracked at every moan and became hoarse quickly, he attempted to grab the couch material, but his nails just scratched the surface instead.

Jeongguk bit his lip throwing his head back with a small smirk, he moaned as leaned down to Taehyung and wrapping his arms around the boys waist as they got closer. Jeongguk bit Taehyung's ear and let out a breathy moan as he felt his body twitch along with Taehyung's.

They moaned in sync as Jeongguk came inside the boy, his hips bucked so that he was deep inside of Taehyung.. Taehyung covered his mouth and arched his back as he shook and trembled.

Jeongguk pulled out and smacked Taehyung's ass, staring down at Taehyung who breathed heavily and looked back at him with a tired smile.  His hair was stuck to his forehead, and hips still slightly sticking out due to being bent over the couch.


Did you guys know i actually just copy and paste my smut from old books cus I hate writing smut I just change the context I haven't wrote my own smut in years I only did in airplane mode

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