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Friday came alas, and Jeongguk found himself in a moment of regret. What could be a lovely Friday to chill and get drunk was turned into a baby nightmare due to his agreement a week ago.

Not only that, but he was going to lose a bet with Taehyung which would hurt his ego.

"Where are you going? I thought you were gonna meet her at night?" Jeongguk leaned against Taehyung's door frame with his arms crossed, staring at the boy who was tidying up his desk to leave.

"She doesn't want to drive back at night, so I'll be with her during the day," Taehyung stood up straight, glancing at himself in the window reflection before walking towards Jeongguk, "I'll be home late, I'm gonna hang out with Hoseok straight after so I won't be back until the evening,"

"You're really gonna leave me alone with a baby?" Jeongguk dragged his feet to follow the boy who rolled his eyes.

"It was your idea to babysit, so you can deal with it," Taehyung sassed as he made his way down the stairs and towards their front door. He slipped on his trainers and opened the door, "Bye."

"Bye." Jeongguk mumbled watching Taehyung step outside into the light. He sighed and turned around to the empty house that had a bright glow to it due to the sun piercing through curtains and reflecting off of anything sunny.

It smelt like summer even though it was autumn due to Taehyung's perfume, it made him want to go out but he was due to look after a baby any time soon.

The doorbell echoed through the house and his heart dropped, dread took over him as he reached to open the door.

"Hey! Thank you so much for this!" A girl spoke with a baby in her arm and a backpack on the other the other shoulder, "It's a pool party since it's sunny today, so I'll be back before it gets dark,"

"Okay," Jeongguk forced a smile and carefully took the baby into his arms, "What's her name?"

"Lia," She smiled, "Okay so this backpack has everything she needs like diapers and formula, if anything happens just call me, alright?"

"Yeah okay, is she like allergic to anything? And does she talk?"

"No, but only give her the food in there just in case she gets sick, and she hasn't said her first words yet," The girl passed the backpack to the boy who hummed sadly, "Thank you so much again, this is my first time I can go out without any worry,"

"Any time," Jeongguk nodded, "Have fun at the party, bye."

"Bye," The girl waved and pinched the cheek of the baby that cooed and placed a small arm against Jeongguk's collarbone.

Jeongguk shut the door with his foot and sighed, "Okay Lia, just keep acting all cute and shit then we both can get through this smoothly,"

Suddenly, cried began to erupt from the girl right into the boys ear.

"Ow fuck!" Jeongguk winced and rushed to the kitchen, placing the baby on the counter but keeping his hands around her incase she fell, "Why the hell are you crying?!"

The baby only continued to cry, face turning red due to the force and doe eyes unleashing big tears.

Jeongguk whined and picked her up again, "It's fine, your mum's gonna be back soon," he hushed the baby, patting her back ever so gently and bouncing lightly.

The cries finally began to soothe down and a wave of relief washed over Jeongguk.

I wish Taehyung was here.

"You should've told me he's babysitting! I wouldn't have invited you out!" Ms. Kim gasped, placing down her cup of coffee while the boy in front of her stared in disbelief.

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