epilogue; jerk.

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The two walked around hand in hand, now out of the shop and in the streets of Taehyung's town again. It was nighttime now, and the two had walked further away from the boy's neighbourhood.

They were now past a town centre, walking into an seating area that was near some boats and also the river. There was a large wall that prevented anyone from jumping in that they could lean over to stare at the lights reflecting on the water.

"I can't believe you stole this, do you have no shame?" Taehyung tutted as he ate the sweets Jeongguk had stolen.

"You're so cute." Jeongguk smiled at the boy who ignored him and stared down at the river with a soft smile.

"Me and Hoseok used to come here when we were drunk. I remember I got so annoyed at him because he got drunk and started acting like a kid and then tried to climb over this wall." Taehyung skipped his fingers along the dirty wall, laughing a little at the memory.

"It's a pretty area, I wish we lived near the river," Jeongguk spoke, admiring Taehyung more than the wearer blow. Taehyung was definitely prettier, "We can live together then, right?"

"Obviously, do you really think I'm gonna live without you?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow at Jeongguk who blushed and looked away, "We should move closer to uni during our second year, we are pretty close now but stuff like shops are so far away."

"Yeah we should, but I like our current home it has so many good memories- well aside from you know."

"Yeah." Taehyung chuckled.

They stood there in silence for a few minutes, letting the slightly cold breeze run through their hair and send a shiver down their spine. Taehyung was resting his head and arms on the wall whereas Jeongguk was just leaning against it staring at him while lost in deep thought.

"Tae, are you really okay with me after everything? I was such a jerk."

Taehyung was surprised by the sudden insecurity in Jeongguk's voice and he stood up straight to look at his boyfriend, "Of course I am, I don't think I'd be standing here with you if I wasn't."

"I mean like, are you upset with me over anything? Or scared about something?" Jeongguk asked, remembering Taehyung's answer back at Namjoon's shop.

Taehyung hummed and picked at the moss on the wall, "I'm not upset at anything, but I'm scared that you'll leave me. I guess that's normal to think, but I think about it a lot especially every time we're having fun together because I start getting scared it'll end soon since nothing ever works out for me."

Jeongguk sadly walked behind the boy and hugged him tightly from behind, "I won't. I know people always say this like a bunch of high school sweethearts and then break up later, but I'm gonna do whatever I can to be good to you and I won't ever leave you, I mean it."

Taehyung smiled at that and pecked the boys cheek, "I'm sorry for being really dramatic about it all and getting you so upset, I should've just sat down with you and let you explain it all and tried to believe you."

"It's fine, I would've acted the same way."

"Let's promise that next time we argue you, we'll sit down together and talk it out," Taehyung stuck out a pinky for Jeongguk who chuckled at his adorable behaviour.

"I promise." Jeongguk interlinked their pinky's and smiled.

"I can't believe we're dating now, I still remember when we hated each other and Hoseok was trying to find stuff we had in common. We have nothing in common but still ended up together."

"I know, but I'm glad we did. You've changed so much since then too."

"Me? How? You've changed the most." Taehyung looked at Jeongguk surprised who did the same.

"I remember when you used to get mad I'd even step foot in your room, now you don't even sleep without me!"

"You've changed way more, you used to be so rude at the start- you would eat all my snacks, let my room get trashed, wake me up at night because you came home from a party drunk- and you refused to clean! Now you don't do any of that."

"Alright alright," Jeongguk laughed, "When did you start liking me?"

"Um," Taehyung hummed as he thought carefully, "When you said our first kiss wasn't a mistake, and I liked you more after you started being nicer."

"Wait, was I your first time?" Jeongguk suddenly realised and asked the boy who nodded with a shy smile, "Good, I wanted to be."

"When did you start liking me?"

"I liked you a little for a long time actually. I thought you were cute when I moved in, even cuter when you got sick and I was taking care of you, and then I fully started liking you when you kissed me. I went insane."

"Loser," Taehyung laughed at the boy who just rolled his eyes and rested his chin on Taehyung's head, "I don't know why I liked you after all the weird shit you've said and done."

"You know what I haven't said after all this time?" Jeongguk moved away from Taehyung who hummed and turned around curiously, "That I really love your fat ass."

"You're so fucking annoying!" Taehyung whined, hitting Jeongguk's chest who just chuckled and grabbed his dainty hands.

"I'm just kidding, I obviously mean that," Jeongguk paused for a few seconds, "I really love you."

Taehyung felt his heart stop for a second, and nothing but pure happiness take over his soul for the first time. His lips tugged upwards into a smile and he stared up at Jeongguk who was waiting to a response with the same smile.

"I love you too, you jerk."

the end.

OMG 😢 so sad guys 😢😢😭😭😢😢 I still remember the days where I'd refuse to update this book because I couldn't be bothered...now look where it's at 😢😢😭😭😭

such a fun journey with you guys I'm gonna miss u fr this is the first book without any suicide wowwww ☺️🔥 history has been made

Thank you all so much for reading I'm gonna miss u guys sm unless obvs u reading my other books 💞💞💞 bye

other other books to check out:
- affiliation
- silent mode
- detention (coming soon)

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