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The sound of the front door unlocking took over the awfully silent house, Taehyung stepped inside with a hopeful face but that instantly dropped when he saw the mess everywhere. 

It had been two days since he hadn't made any contact with Jeongguk. They had no classes for the rest of the week and Jeongguk hadn't even texted Taehyung to ask where he had been. Taehyung was deeply offended by that, it showed that Jeongguk actually did not care about him at all.

His feet kicked the rubbish on the floor and a disgusted expression took over, he didn't even bother removing his shoes as he was scared of stepping on something weird. A frustrated sigh left his pink lips, tired eyes staring at what once was a safe and cozy house.

A safe house meant a lot to Taehyung since inside was where he spent most of his time. It was a place he called 'comfort' and could always run back to after a long day since he didn't have anyone else to go to when down. But now, that had been completely destroyed by Jeongguk.

As badly as Taehyung wanted to stay home, he refused to clean up the mess. Not only because he had something against Jeongguk but because there were all kinds of strange things on the floor. He also refused to touch his bedsheets, too afraid of what was on them.

The thought of it made him even more sick, so he turned around ready to leave the house. Unfortunately, the familiar brunette stepped into the house and stopped in his tracks when his dark eyes landed on Taehyung.

"Where have you been?" Jeongguk spoke up and shut the door behind him, walking towards Taehyung who stood in all the mess.

"Sleeping somewhere clean," Taehyung frowned at Jeongguk who rolled his eyes and yawned, looking around the house with his lips pursed together.

"I'll clean it today, I was busy," Jeongguk stated and that was enough to make the anger inside Taehyung grow bigger. 

"I'll be at Hoseok's," Taehyung was ready to push past Jeongguk, but the elder grabbed him by his arm and pulled him back.

"Stop being so sensitive and be patient, I said I'll start cleaning today," Jeongguk looked down at Taehyung who began to feel insecure all over again, "My room's the cleanest at the moment so you can crash there whilst I clean, the desks free too so you can study or whatever."

Taehyung contemplated for a bit before reluctantly agreeing. Hoseok's mother was supposed to visit him today anyway and he didn't want to get in the way of their bonding time.

"Fine, clean up fast it stinks in here," Taehyung began to walk up to Jeongguk's room while the other just sighed and stared at the mess.

He was going to have to clean it eventually, so he decided to actually start cleaning this time. He started from the entrance since that was where most of the time people were. There were cups and lost belongings everywhere, at one point he had to wear gloves.

Jeongguk just tossed everything into bags, not caring if it was someone's keys or driver's license. Once he was done, he decided to go upstairs to continue cleaning Taehyungs room and the stairway. But, by the time he got up there, he already changed his mind.

"I'll clean the rest tomorrow, I'm exhausted," Jeongguk yawned and tossed his phone onto his bed, shooting a judgemental look at Taehyung after, "What the fuck are you studying for? It hasn't even been a month yet since we started our first year."

"I have this test which tells my professor if I'm good enough for the subject or not, so I really need to get a good grade or else I might not be allowed on the course," Taehyung replied as he read a textbook opened up on Jeongguk's desk and took notes without looking up at Jeongguk.

"This is why I'm thankful I take photographs, I just take pictures and get graded on that- I'm good at it too," Jeongguk began to undress and change as Taehyung just hummed and continue to write, "I could probably pull so many girls with this, don't you think? Tell them they're models and shit and take pictures of them."

"You make me cringe," Taehyung mumbled, highlighting what he had just written.

Jeongguk fell onto his bed and let out a loud sigh of relief, "How many boyfriends have you had?"

"2," Taehyung replied and looked up from his book when Jeongguk began to laugh.

"I thought you'd say 0, good on you," Jeongguk chuckled, "Have you ever done stuff? Like you know, kiss and fuck."

"Yeah I have, why's it any of your business?" Taehyung glared at the boy who smirked.

"Because I wanted to be your first."

"Fuck off."

"Why not fuck you?"

"Leave me alone, I'm tryna study," Taehyung sighed and already knew it would be impossible with Jeongguk.

"I'm gonna go eat," Jeongguk stood up and yawned loudly, leaving Taehyung alone to study.

After an hour and a bit of Taehyung studying, he began to grow tired and he felt himself almost drifting off on the desk. Jeongguk walked in shortly after, going unnoticed since his eyes were barely open. 

He didn't have the best sleep lately due to crashing at Hoseok's who insisted on staying up talking and also he struggled to sleep in places that weren't his own room.

Jeongguk laid down on his bed, smiling at how Taehyung was sleeping against his palm and letting the highlighter sink into his paper.

"Can you turn the light off? I'm tired, it's almost 11 too," Jeongguk placed his phone on charge and waited for Taehyung.

"No not yet, I wanna study more."

"Well, I don't care, I'm tired and so are you so hurry up," Jeongguk demanded Taehyung who huffed and tiredly stood up, dragging his feet towards the switch and finally turning it off.

"Don't sleep too close to me," Taehyung mumbled as he began to slip his clothes off in the dark, "I'll be back," He mumbled making his way to the bathroom.

After a few minutes, he returned and cursed when he almost tripped over something in the room.

"Well it's a single bed, we don't have a choice," Jeongguk shuffled over for Taehyung slipped into the covers, and tiredly moved around, "You're gonna fall off,"

"Then move up."

"I'm literally at the edge of my side right now," Jeongguk suddenly wrapped an arm around Taehyung who screamed and pushed him back, "Ah shit!" He yelped, falling onto the floor soon after.

"Shit! I'm sorry!" Taehyung gasped and sat up, watching the barely visible figure of Jeongguks that climbed back onto the bed again.

"Stop being such a fucking dramatic bitch and go to sleep," Jeonggukhuffed and this time laid down facing away from Taehyung angrily.

Taehyung did the same, but it was hard to get comfortable if he wanted to keep a gap between him and Jeongguk.

So, he slowly moved closer to Jeongguk and held onto the boy by his waist, squeezing his eyes shut out of embarrassment when his face was buried intoJeongguk's back. He could already imagine the smirk plastered on Jeongguk's face.

The other, however, had a surprised face that was blushing madly. He could feel his heartbeat racing which he was unsure as to why because last time he checked, Jeongguk wasn't gay.

He turned around after some time and held onto Taehyung too, praying that Taehyung wouldn't notice his pounding heart.

A smirk also began to form on his face, he looked down at the boy who was awake and softly breathing against his chest.

"I won the bet and the week hasn't even finished yet."


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