Chapter 13: Story time

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I wake up at noon, almost exactly, there may be some secret meaning to that, but I'm too scarred from last night to remember that. Am I a sleepwalker or something? How did I just strangle Eve like that without knowing? I figure it was best to get up and solve the problem rather than sit in my bed for the next hour thinking about philosophy.

I jump out of bed and admire the scratches that Eve gave me, she drew a little heart on my collarbone, that's... cute? I figure it was time for a classic fit. I throw on my sneakers, my old blue jeans, a basic white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. 

This jacket has seen better days, surviving motorcycle crashes, car crashes, explosions, yet still doesn't have a hole in anywhere on it. I take out my old silver aviators in exchange for my gold ones and put them in my pocket. I don't like reliving my past, but I had some good threads. I take my auto-pistol and it fits perfectly in my jacket pocket.

I walk outside the door looking like an absolute greaser to the girls all scolding me, oh yeah. That happened...

Ahri: Hey, strangler, come sit with us, now! It's time for some confessing!

I fearfully gulp, taking a seat next to Akali.

Kai: Y/N, we want to know why you strangled Evelynn last night.

Y/N: I'll tell you the same thing I tried to tell her; it was an accident. When I fell asleep, I was having a nightmare, my instinct kicked in and I must have grabbed her in my sleep, I didn't mean it, honest.

Akali: Bro, you got PTSD or something?

Kai: A-Akali?!

Akali: What?! It's almost obvious!

Y/N: I'm starting to think I do, despite not being diagnosed. Every now and then I get these flashbacks, they take me out of reality, and I relive some past event that I did. Whether it be traumatic for me or traumatic for someone else.

Eve: W-What did you do before you were a solutions agent?

I take a big sigh and pause a little bit, I gotta word this right. These girls deserve to know the real answer.

Y/N: There is no sugarcoating it, no alternate synonym or anything that will make it sound better. I was a low-life, scummy criminal.

There is shock from Ahri, Akali, and Kai, but something tells me Eve already knew.

Y/N: Want the full story?

Akali: YES! What cool shit did you do!?

Ahri: Akali! Hush.

I inhale and get ready to tell a story.

Y/N: Back in the day, I was just a kid trying to fit in, I went to school, got good grades, even made it to college, but then I got kicked out of the university in my hometown, the name of the town? Irrelevant. So I went on a stealing spree, stealing laptops, class computers, even going to professor's houses to nab something of their own. I made a decent chunk of money from that until I went to jail. The reason you see no criminal record of that is because it's been nullified. I'll get into that in a bit.

The girls settle in for a story.

Y/N: I met some people online that appreciated what I did, one of them namely Will, the same guy who flew me and Clayton here. Will lived in Los Santos, San Andreas, he described it back then as a "crime capital", where you could "get away with anything". This would be the ideal place to send a message to any corporation trying to take over the world. So my kid-self packed his bags, left my parents to move to San Andreas and live with Will. Heh... I still remember, when I first got there, he gave me a gun to protect myself, I still use that gun to this day.

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