Chapter 26: A true chill day

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Eve gently pushes me into the open area, then starts heading for the couch in the lounge area. 

Eve: *Grunt* you're heavy, darling.

Y/N: Awww, thank you for that.

Eve giggles. As Eve is rolling me, I get a video call. It's from Ekko, eh long time no see.

Ekko: AAAAAYE!!!!!


Eve looks at us like we're psychotic.

Ekko: When are you coming to party big guy? You may not be a student but you're still a friend to us.

Ezzy: Yeah, Y/N come on over man.

Y/N: Ah, sorry guys I can't.

Ezzy: Why not bruh?

I flip the camera and show my two legs wrapped up.

Ekko and Ezreal both wince. 

Ekko: Ah, we can work with that.

Eve tilts the phone up to her, the boys all gasp at the sight of another member of the K/DA.

Eve: Sorry boys, but I don't think he's going, me and darling have some catching up to do...

She kisses me on the cheek in front of them and I give them a worried expression.

Ekko: Well L/N, seems like you got your hands full, good luck with that one bro.

Ezzy is kicking in the background, probably jealous.

Y/N: Later guys.

I hang up and put the phone in my pocket. I look up and smile at Eve.

Y/N: You really gotta show off to everybody?

Eve: Of course, darling, I love watching people's expressions when they see us together, that's just one of the many perks.

I'd say that is a weird response, but I literally did the same thing with Kali at the college party. Also, I don't really expect anything different from a demon like her, she's amazing. I start to blush just thinking about her. Eve giggles a bit and rubs her claws along my chin.

Eve: Darling... what's on your mind?

Y/N: You want the honest answer?

Eve: I'd hope you'd give it to me anyway.

Y/N: You.

Eve blushes, way worse than I do too. I hope she doesn't see herself as the problem anymore, I'm hoping that couple hour therapy session with Bel helped me out.

Eve: D-Darling... 

She stops pushing as we get to the lounge with the rest of the girls. Kali and Kai look at each other and then back at me. Oh right, they didn't see the damage yet. Eve kisses me before helping me onto the couch.

Kali: Hey, save some for the rest of us, girl.

Eve: Oh... I'm sure you will all get a chance to use him. Darling can say no all he wants, but now he can't get away.

Oh shit. She has a point. The girls' faces all go devilish then to playful, then to laughing at my worried expression.

I look up at the TV and noticed someone was playing Guitar Hero, and they weren't doing very good. So that distant song I heard was real!

Y/N: Damn, that sucks. I didn't think Wheel in The Sky was that hard.

Kali: Hey, it's harder than it looks.

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