Chapter 32: Going back to 'Kali

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So, we get back to the penthouse, Mundo had to engage in his mastery, so he dumped us off and left pretty much. Kai went inside and took her stuff to her room; the other two girls were out still. Which leaves me with...

Kali: *sigh* Wanna chill with me?

Y/N: Always, babe.

Kali tosses her bags in her room without a care and plops on the couch. I follow, except I roll over the couch and lay my crutches on the floor. 

Now, Kali has shown me some love after the Yasuo thing but, I still wonder why she did it, and why she isn't adoring me like the others. Like, am I really thinking about this shit? I guess I am, I'll give in...

Why does she choose to not help her cripple, PTSD ridden boyfriend? The fuck? My eye starts to twitch. Ahri was innocent, she was peer pressured, she cracked and couldn't bear to see me like this. 


Ahri: Y/N! I'm so sorry!

I see the runny makeup and her look of absolute guilt and defeat settling in the longer I look.


Kali: Something on your mind, babe?

Y/N: Are we okay, like you and me?

Kali: I don't...

Y/N: I haven't gotten over the whole Yasuo incident, well, killing him wasn't the issue. 

Kali: Errr... Uh-huh?

Y/N: I notice like, we cuddle sometimes, and we chill and stuff, but it feels, forced? I was also in a time of need back then too, why would, why would you do that?

Kali's expression goes pale with a frown, okay, she really was hiding something. Something tells me she didn't want to just see how I would react. She takes a couple moments to think of what to say.

Kali: Well, here is the first reason that it happened, um... timing? Like, I wanted to see what would happen I-

Y/N: Timing?! Bruh, really...

I'm sure that was a tiny part of it, but come on bro, you could just give Yasuo the boot.

Kali takes a deep breath. She starts to tear up, I knew the waterworks were coming, oh jeez.

Kali: I-I, I- um... I was doubtful. I was doubting that you were losing interest in us, I was afraid I was going to lose you, I wanted to make sure you were still there...

Kali pauses a minute, but not long enough to give me a chance to speak.

Kali: I was mostly, doubting myself, like I didn't really know if I could be with someone like you, I just, I don't know. You were sick, it wasn't just to see how you'd react, I wanted to do something when you were vulnerable, to see what would happen, I guess, test the waters? 

Y/N: So, playing with your fucking food? 

Kali: But like, I see that like, you aren't just food, or a plaything. I'm so sorry Y/N if I ever doubted us being together it's just, it was...

Y/N: By far the dumbest idea you ever had, you could've just gave Yasuo the boot during this time of crisis. 

Kali: But I wanted h-

Y/N: Of course I would fucking kill him! I was sick! I was disabled! Two big red flags that will give me the most violent tendencies under the sun! Combined with jealousy?! He is lucky he isn't just a red mist!

Kali: Y/N, let me finish!

I stop talking, letting her finish.

Kali: I wanted him dead. He was a fucking weirdo. I just haven't acted the same because I felt horrible about what I took advantage of to get it done. I should have just done it myself, but I knew I couldn't do it. *She inhales* ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?! I WANTED THAT FUCKER DEAD!

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