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When Lin Mingfei received the phone call, his head was full of question marks.

Why did Xia Tong cry at the door of the bathroom?

Why is the mouth full of tiger and wolf words??

Why is it the MM bean fight of the shadow team? Call yourself to report the situation??

Where's Shi Ya?? Didn't he entrust the little Omega to Shiya!!! What about that person?? What's the hell is going on!!!

According to MM Dou's description, the situation seems to be urgent. Fortunately, the sponsor on this side quickly defected from the saber-toothed tiger after seeing Lin Mingfei himself. What nonsense? No, it didn't take them too long, so Lin Mingfei was already on his way back at this moment.

Lin Mingfei was very angry. While urging the driver, he sent a message to Shi Ya to ask about the situation, but? Shi Ya's goods? I don't know what he was doing. He didn't reply to the message for a long time. Lin Mingfei was about to make a phone call when he saw a message pushed by Weibo.

[The Weibo expert Polaris_Blink you followed has just started the live broadcast. Come and watch it!]

Lin Mingfei: "?"

Live broadcast??

At this time, he started the live broadcast???

Are you all right???

ALpha's right eyelid unconsciously began to jump uneasy.

His fingers trembled, and he clicked on the live broadcast.

The live broadcast of these professional players is usually on a specific TV platform. The TV platform is linked with Wangling Game. There is a built-in live broadcast plug-in in the cocoon cabin. Of course, the content of the live broadcast is the training and activities in the game.

The Polaris team has withered for two years? At the beginning, at the beginning, not only everyone in the outside world, but also themselves were not particularly optimistic about themselves. They just rushed forward with a fearless spirit of going all out and living up to the light. What will they meet ahead? What will happen? What kind of ending is unpredictable, so? Unlike other popular teams, they have leisure to run their own personal settings and fans.

When other teams often broadcast the daily lives of the team members or shoot a little interesting vlog to attract fans, the fans of the Polaris team are like the pretty widow who is alone in the empty boudoir, waiting to be fed one by one. The drought is like a desert. Not only can they not eat food, but also? What are the team members doing every day for this team every day? It's all up to guess!

Today, for the first time, Xia Tong unexpectedly started a personal live broadcast on the Weibo platform. Polaris fans felt that the sun was coming out in the west, and they were so excited that they rushed to tell each other and gathered spontaneously.

The number of people online live has soared.

[Ah, ah, ah!! BLink!! Let mom have a look!!]

[I'm the only one who is the most human in Polaris!!!]

[The drought, the drought, the flood, the P team doesn't care about the fans' life or death QAQ at all. They only have themselves in their hearts!!]

[Fing? There is no notice in the arena, no notice on the copy of the wasteland, and the team building? No notice! Do you know that it's tiring for fans to guess every day!!]

[Blink's big eyeball gave Polaris_BLink a big cruise ship]

[Blink's big eyeball gave Polaris_BLink a big cruise ship]

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