Mind Games

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The game of tag had come to an end. Kira was knocked out by the shot delivered by Y/N had to be escorted out. With that, there were now only eleven players in the room including you.

His voice retaining the same amount of emotion as ever, Ego says, "Congratulations. You have passed the admission test for the Blue Lock Dorm."

A few yells of excitement and relief came from the most of the strikers.

'You guys didn't do anything though...'

"There are eleven of you in this room. You ruffians will be living together. At times, you'll work together. At other times, you'll betray one another, Blue Lock team Z. Find how to turn a 0 into a 1." Ego then logged off leaving everyone to contemplate the meaning behind his last sentence.


A couple days of intense training followed. Team Z was provided a room with multiple exercise machines and products to gauge and enhance their physical attributes.

Understanding their individual situations and witnessing the strength of just one miracle, everyone pushed themselves to outshine you.

Occupying four of the treadmills was yourself, Raichi, Isagi, and Igarashi. For the last two hours, they had been running at 30 kmp. Well...at least one person was.

"What-Huff-the hell-Huff-are you on-Huff-you fuck!? Steroids!?"

"What-Huff-the hell-Huff-are you on-Huff-you fuck!? Steroids!?"

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Raichi Jingo

He considered himself to be a stamina maniac and you were outpacing him. At a higher speed at that!

You had no problem answering with only a light sheen of sweat covering your body. "No? Probably not..."


To the right of them, Igarashi and Isagi were not faring well in the slightest. The young monk already passed out after puking and Isagi could only try and catch his breath every second.

Almost an hour later and Raichi finally gave up. At much as he wanted to prove that he had more stamina than you, he couldn't hold out. You stop soon after him since your warmup had been finished long ago.

In the days since the admission test, you had proven to be the most athletically gifted amongst Team Z. Having the highest in every category, even though you were a bit smaller than most guys present at a height of 5 ft and 8 inches. After finishing up, the next stop for you was the cafeteria.

There you sound find the food to be extremely lackluster. Compared to the higher ranks, the food served to you was utter garbage. True, you never showed anything besides superb passing skills and great speed, but that didn't really justify the last rank.

'Probably some mind game...'

Much to your dismay, being a cook yourself made it so that wasting food wasn't in your dictionary and ate every last bite of your meal. Tomori's cooking was far worse when they first started dating after all.

The Miracle Above All (Blue Lock x OP Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now