P.X.G VS Manshine City II

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"Hmm. I won't lie...you've definitely improved, Lui." Y/N stated loud enough for Lui to hear and stop, his back still turned to him. "But...is that really it?" The question made Lui slowly turn around, veins coming out of his neck...

"What the hell are you going on about, Trash."

Y/N sighed. "Were you born this stupid or did you take lessons?" Lui's eye started to twitch excessively, his restraint reducing faster than it ever did before. "To be honest, my expectation now compared to what it was before for you...it's full of shit. The toilet might be jealous of you at this rate..."

The flame-headed boy marched up to Y/N, glaring into him with the fury of a thousand suns. "Say that again, Pretentious Bastard."

Y/N smiled while cocking his head to the side. "It's kind of hilarious watching you try to fit your entire vocabulary into one sentence. How can I be "pretentious" when all your success is because of me?" Y/N glanced at Reo for a second..."Even if it's from a secondary source, the results are still there."

"Don't worry. It won't be long now..." Y/N turned around and waved Lui off. "...Miracles don't come that often. And you've used yours all the way up, Lui." He could clearly hear Lui's teeth grinding against each other, and didn't give a care in the world for it.

Getting to his position, Y/N faced MC with his usual flat look. 'It's not just you, either. Shu, Valt, Free...all of you are dried up. I'll see to it...that you guys are disposed of properly.'


The whistle blowing, Rin stood in the center instead of Christopher for a change. Y/N's brow raised, curious as to the reason for the change, but didn't voice anything. The most probable answer being their attack needed Rin closer to them.

He began it with a side-pass to Shidou. The explosion-loving striker dribbled forward, a sly smirk stretched across his face as he did so. "Make way for the greatest life-form~"

"And if I don't?" Agi questioned, really wanting to know what he would do to get past him. From what he'd seen so far, the FW in front of him didn't go out of his way to pass. That made him a prime target for a decisive steal...

"You'll be blown away!"

Agi's face contorted into one utterly perplexed by the situation occurring before his eyes as Shidou half-assed kicked the ball towards the goal. Of course, the shot would've have hit home even without Agi's quick foot movement knocking the ball off course and into the air, creating a loose ball very early in the round.

Agi barely had to time turn around before Shidou was already sprinting to get the loose ball. This was yet another way for him to create his own goal making opportunities. In a high-level game like this one, there was no doubt the defender would be able to block a shot like that. At the same time though, they would play into his goal by doing so.

'He's basically forcing a pass from his opponent. So impatient...' Y/N thought amusingly. He wouldn't wait for his ideal passes anymore...

His hunger for a goal higher than anyone else on the field, Shidou managed to reach the ball quicker than all the others could. He spun around mid-run and his body was about to shoot, his vessel moving instinctively to satiate his goal-hungry self. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be dealt with that easily.

"Is that all you can bring to the table? Rubbish."

Lui's strong body kept Shidou from turning around and forced him to trap the ball, ruining his chance to shoot. A little bit of surprise at Lui's arrival displayed itself on Shidou for a second, then it was overshadowed by another emotion. Annoyance.

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