A Challenge

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Free De La Hoya had just scored a super goal after "Awakening" or that's what they believed to have happened. Each member of Team White had differentiating feelings on the matter...

"Seriously? He could power up like that..." Nagi wiped a drop of cold sweat form his cheek. Free broke past them way too easily for his liking. He wished he had something like that.

Kurona sighed as he questioned the strange occurrence. "Guessing he's never done that before?" Why would someone like him need to get stronger now!? So not cool.

Unfortunately, he didn't have clue towards his either. "Trust me, I would've remembered something like this." He looked doped up on every steroid possible. No way he would forget that.

Despite his teammates feelings, Shidou still stayed true to himself. "Does it matter? He just got a hell of a lot more fun!" All he had to do was explode even more to match him! That's all!

Sighing at Shidou's predictable answer, Y/N sadly agreed. "Mah. You're right about one thing...It doesn't matter. Just make things a little more difficult than before. We're still winning this..."



Giving Shidou a chance, Y/N let him start it off. The tanned male wasted no time in sprinting off, his next goal already in mind. A crazed grin stretching his face, he erratically zigzagged across the field, crossing Bachira and Barou with ease.

They were but an afterthought to him now. His gaze set on the striker making his blood boil. That gaze was then interrupted by the arrival of an albino. Annoyed at first, one look at Shu's eyes changed his opinion instantly...

"Ooh~You too!?"

Compared to before, Shu's eyes had a burning inferno in them

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Compared to before, Shu's eyes had a burning inferno in them. Were all the Miracles built like this!? Of the three he's met so far, none were incapable of making his heart pump faster.

"Let's have at it then!"

Ignoring all possible openings for a pass to his teammates, Shidou engaged Shu. Through a series of unpredictable feints, Shidou watched as Shu leaned to his right, allowing him to burst in the opposite direction.

"Give it..."

Without fully looking at Shidou, Shu's right foot swung out and impacted against the ball, shooting it perfectly into Free's possession.


Free narrowed his eyes, but said nothing. The intent within his teammate's glare diminished any need to question the beautiful pass. It was a feeling he had forgotten from his time playing with Y/N. Speaking of him...


In an effort to prevent Free from repeating his almost unstoppable charge, Y/N went to stop him first. He couldn't rely on the others to even stall Free in this state. Not now anyways. Challenging Free to another one-on-one from afar, Free's glare seemed like an acceptance...

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