Blue Lock's Eleven

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-Japan Football Association-

-Top Secret Meeting Room-

"Understood, President Buratsuta! For the future of Japanese Football! I, Houichi, will take responsibility and guide the U-20 Team to victory!" A middle-aged man of standard looks eagerly stated to the head honcho.

"I'd expect nothing less from Houichi-Chan~"The man who doesn't listen to anyone but the association." No wonder they call you the "Houichi The Earless"!" Buratsuta boasted to the coach. 

He awkwardly smiled at the nickname he earned over the years. "Oh, please stop that! They make fun of me on the internet for that!

"Well, well. You understand what out goal is, right?" The head president smiled with nothing but greed as he asked. 

Confidently smirking, he quickly explained, "Of course. Itoshi Sae, an internationally acknowledged genius, will participate in the U-20 match! You want a match that will turn that big news into big money, correct?"

Buratsuta laughed, glad he knew what he wanted. "Exactly! Apparently, Itoshi Sae himself has taken interest in the Blue Lock Project. Just as requested, we sent all the video data from inside to him!" His face then turned sinister along with Houichi's. "And whatta ya know, Ego Jinpachi couldn't say "No" to our challange and accepted without hesitation." 

"I see! "Money-Making" and "Dissolving Blue Lock." We're killing two birds with one stone, is that right!?"

"Gahahaha! Precisely! Make sure to make it a quick victory!" He told the coach as he slapped him on the back.

Saluting, he responded, "Roger that!"

The door to the office then opened. A handsome young man walked in without a care in the world for what they were doing. Right after, an older male with glasses ran in after him, sweating nervously...

"Ah! Sae-Chan, you can't just barge in like that!" This is Girolan Dabadie, Sae's Manager.

"Oh! Why, if it isn't Itoshi Sae-Kun! I'm glad you managed to join us!" Houichi jumped on the Sae train just as fast. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Genius!" Both of them holding their hands out as welcome. 

".....Who's this fatso and bob-cut duo?" The mentioned duo froze in place, thinking he would at least know who they were. To this, his manager quickly told him. "Wai...They're the President and the U-20 Coach!"

"...Well that speeds things up." Turning to the two, he said, "Hey, you old geezers. I checked the videos of all those Japan U-20 players or whatever...They're all shit. Especially the forwards. They're a big stinking pile of insect turd."

The duo didn't not how to react to that, not that Sae cared as he went on. "I agreed to join the team because I heard I'd get to play against the Blue Lock Guys, but...if this is the kind of School Team-Level trash you're gonna throw me in...I'm backing out."

"Are you perhaps insulting my team?" Houichi asked with a tick mark growing.

Holding him back, Buratsuta tried to dissolve the situation. "Now, now, now! You have to be the adult here, Houichi-Chan!" Nervous sweat starting to come down, he pressed Sae. "S-So, you don't like the forwards, Itoshi Sae-Chan? Then how about you nominate someone else you want? It can even be someone over the age! Even Minamino! Douan! Nakajima!"

Sae's face didn't change, though his tone did, just a little."...Anyone? Really?"

His insane look growing, he confirmed, "Yep, yep! As long as they're japanese! Even Ramos! Kazu!"

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