P.X.G VS Bastard Munchen V

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A whopping 6K for y'all! Happy Friday!


-Blue Lock Central Monitoring Room-

Just like every other football fan in the world, Anri, Ego, and Tomori made sure they were witnesses to the most important match of the NEL, too.

"That's...incredible! I don't think I've ever seen Y/N be overwhelmed in such a way!" Anri exclaimed in shock. In her own head, she placed Y/N on a unbeatable pedestal from all the feats he's shown. Yet, Noa got past that same Y/N so easily.....

"It was to be expected. I wouldn't have needed to go this far if Y/N was beyond the world's best already." Ego replied calmly, not having any emotion towards the display. "With this, the ending draws near."

'Y/N...' Only showing a small hint of worry on her face, the inner Tomori was biting her nails from the look on Y/N's face. It was taking all of her willpower to prevent from going to him, but she knew he had to be the one to overcome this wall.

"Now, engrave this into your minds, Blue Lock. The tallest wall in your path has arisen. Don't falter, don't succumb, don't wither away. Overcome it...rise from the ashes...and win..."


'Ok...Calm down.' Y/N's erratic heart began to slow down by a few beats, and his eyes gained some clarity. 'Of course his offensive skills were going to be this strong. Not only, I was playing right into his field...'

Noa's philosophy was all about rationality. Making the most logical and rational decisions to achieve victory. Which is why he chose to press him until the very end and let Y/N believe he'd broken through. To weaken Y/N's guard enough to be unable to react to Noa's sudden burst.

The next was Y/N's choice to try and seize the ball back. His decisions were ones anyone in his position would've made. That was his downfall. Allowing his movements to become too predictable. Just one of the many flaws he found within himself...

'Dammit! That whole match up...was a fuckin joke! The football I want to play isn't so weak that it can be stopped so easily! I didn't start investing myself into this shit to be shut down like this! I....'

Y/N then froze, his heart rate returning normal and his expression clearing of all negative feelings. It was as if he'd forgotten what occurred not too long ago. In reality, he'd realized something about himself...more like forgotten.

'Why did I come to Blue Lock?'



The last starting ball of the match belonged to P.X.G's master striker Loki, who side passed the ball to Y/N. His mind completely detached from his body, he instinctively sent it back to Loki before Noa could interrupt him. The act surprised Noa, thinking Y/N would be more greedy with his possession.

This left him, Aiga, and Tokimitsu with a harmless Y/N while Loki was free to race across the field without a proper marker to stop him. Taking the open chance to get as far as he could to BM's goal, the pair of Isagi and Kaiser skid into his path to stop him. Unknowingly, both of their presences prevented him from simply speeding past them.

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